Dear Stata Users,
I created a figure, but the percentages on the y-axis are not correct. Could you please let me know what is wrong with my code?
I use this code:
I tried to add "ylabel" but non of them worked out well.
I got this figure:
" I edited this because it turned out that my code is correct!"
I created a figure, but the percentages on the y-axis are not correct. Could you please let me know what is wrong with my code?
I use this code:
graph bar firms_all plants_users, over(Loc) stack bargap(-50) ytitle("") /// blabel(bar, color(white) position(inside) format(%4.2f) size(vsmall)) legend(order(1 "High skil" 2 "Low skill") region(lcolor(white))) /// graphregion(color(white)) scale(1.1) bar(1, bcolor(navy)) bar(2, bcolor(0 103 167)) scheme(s2mono) /// saving("$Fig_tab\firms_plants", replace) graph export "$Fig_tab\firms_plants.png", as(png) replace
I got this figure:
" I edited this because it turned out that my code is correct!"