The loop program runs the regression by SICCode by year. However, it stops in the very initial stage saying "no observations" as there are missing values in the first few years of some of the variables. I thinking about encountering this by setting some conditions statements that if there is missing then to ignore and move on to the next.
Could someone please help me accomplish this or guide me on this ?
My data is panel data
Could someone please help me accomplish this or guide me on this ?
set more off gen ABN_CFO = . egen sicid = group(SICCode Year) sum sicid local max=r(max) forvalues i = 1/`max' { di "Busy with regression " `i' " of " `max' qui reg PROD_SLAssset Inverse_LAssets Sales_SLAssets DSales_SLAssets Delta_SalesLag_SLAsset if sicid == `i' qui predict res if sicid == `i', res qui replace ABN_CFO = res if sicid == `i' qui drop res }
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input str9 Ticker int Year str23 Industry byte SICCode float(PROD_SLAssset Inverse_LAssets Sales_SLAssets DSales_SLAssets Delta_SalesLag_SLAsset) "TH:2S" 1994 "Industrials" 11 . . . . . "TH:2S" 1995 "Industrials" 11 . . . . . "TH:2S" 1996 "Industrials" 11 . . . . . "TH:2S" 1997 "Industrials" 11 . . . . . "TH:2S" 1998 "Industrials" 11 . . . . . "TH:2S" 1999 "Industrials" 11 . . . . . "TH:2S" 2000 "Industrials" 11 . . . . . "TH:2S" 2001 "Industrials" 11 . . . . . "TH:2S" 2002 "Industrials" 11 . . . . . "TH:2S" 2003 "Industrials" 11 . . . . . "TH:2S" 2004 "Industrials" 11 . . . . . "TH:2S" 2005 "Industrials" 11 . . . . . "TH:2S" 2006 "Industrials" 11 . . . . . "TH:2S" 2007 "Industrials" 11 4.6497087 1.5962966e-06 4.737489 .9118366 . "TH:2S" 2008 "Industrials" 11 3.2230334 1.3520456e-06 3.779143 -.2334577 .7723155 "TH:2S" 2009 "Industrials" 11 4.581761 1.7878214e-06 4.576771 -.4204223 -.3087031 "TH:2S" 2010 "Industrials" 11 2.906181 1.094789e-06 3.079102 .27647364 -.25744948 "TH:2S" 2011 "Industrials" 11 3.4135144 9.758983e-07 3.6054766 .8607559 .24644944 "TH:2S" 2012 "Industrials" 11 3.49226 9.435992e-07 3.829722 .34357485 .8322677 "TH:2S" 2013 "Industrials" 11 3.147663 7.98077e-07 3.26576 .026658963 .2905886 "TH:2S" 2014 "Industrials" 11 3.335886 8.197259e-07 3.4718614 .11751344 .027382124 "TH:7UP" 1994 "Resources" 33 . . . . . "TH:7UP" 1995 "Resources" 33 . . . . . "TH:7UP" 1996 "Resources" 33 . . . . . "TH:7UP" 1997 "Resources" 33 . . . . . "TH:7UP" 1998 "Resources" 33 . . . . . "TH:7UP" 1999 "Resources" 33 . . . . . "TH:7UP" 2000 "Resources" 33 . . . . . "TH:7UP" 2001 "Resources" 33 . . . . . "TH:7UP" 2002 "Resources" 33 4.0856404 8.065576e-07 4.338902 .416637 . "TH:7UP" 2003 "Resources" 33 3.059031 6.9175e-07 3.2586355 -.4626548 .35733175 "TH:7UP" 2004 "Resources" 33 3.1488006 6.29042e-07 3.54184 .5786035 -.4207146 "TH:7UP" 2005 "Resources" 33 4.045958 3.90379e-07 4.0607376 1.8626966 .3590773 "TH:7UP" 2006 "Resources" 33 3.4078295 2.7327027e-07 3.619166 .7765983 1.3039112 "TH:7UP" 2007 "Resources" 33 2.3345294 2.4704937e-07 2.5703285 -.7015703 .7020819 "TH:7UP" 2008 "Resources" 33 2.0958078 2.648143e-07 2.221718 -.53343874 -.7520192 "TH:7UP" 2009 "Resources" 33 1.209359 2.3933214e-07 1.4020097 -.60592 -.4821078 "TH:7UP" 2010 "Resources" 33 1.425994 2.4231502e-07 1.5356272 .11614354 -.6134719 "TH:7UP" 2011 "Resources" 33 1.2415527 2.270738e-07 1.3578967 -.08114187 .10883828 "TH:7UP" 2012 "Resources" 33 1.0803432 2.4556655e-07 1.2565333 -.2119497 -.08775 "TH:7UP" 2013 "Resources" 33 3.894809 8.253958e-07 3.907181 -.3162661 -.7124032 "TH:7UP" 2014 "Resources" 33 1.725239 8.131668e-07 2.1056044 -1.7436882 -.3115803 "TH:A" 1994 "Property & Construction" 77 . . . . . "TH:A" 1995 "Property & Construction" 77 . . . . . "TH:A" 1996 "Property & Construction" 77 . . . . . "TH:A" 1997 "Property & Construction" 77 . . . . . "TH:A" 1998 "Property & Construction" 77 . . . . . "TH:A" 1999 "Property & Construction" 77 . . . . . "TH:A" 2000 "Property & Construction" 77 . . . . . "TH:A" 2001 "Property & Construction" 77 . . . . . "TH:A" 2002 "Property & Construction" 77 . . . . . "TH:A" 2003 "Property & Construction" 77 . . . . . "TH:A" 2004 "Property & Construction" 77 1.0460142 4.8528494e-07 .8610736 .3701438 . "TH:A" 2005 "Property & Construction" 77 .22955093 2.489774e-07 .24012475 -.2016525 .18990377 "TH:A" 2006 "Property & Construction" 77 .13090853 2.3376775e-07 .2025974 -.02285851 -.1893339 "TH:A" 2007 "Property & Construction" 77 .3248509 2.328408e-07 .18617764 -.0156164 -.02276787 "TH:A" 2008 "Property & Construction" 77 .4043962 1.9669103e-07 .15804733 .000774766 -.01319187 "TH:A" 2009 "Property & Construction" 77 .3011982 1.7482624e-07 .6006953 .460217 .0006886406 "TH:A" 2010 "Property & Construction" 77 .4767359 1.8711587e-07 .6238623 -.01905962 .4925685 "TH:A" 2011 "Property & Construction" 77 .13769744 1.813995e-07 .28060448 -.3241988 -.01847735 "TH:A" 2012 "Property & Construction" 77 .3409032 1.7449793e-07 .3103165 .0403879 -.3118643 "TH:A" 2013 "Property & Construction" 77 .3273264 1.4564372e-07 .25672096 -.0022829655 .03370953 "TH:A" 2014 "Property & Construction" 77 .5052099 1.1142995e-07 .27166867 .0752551 -.0017466644 "TH:A5" 1994 "Services" 55 . . . . . "TH:A5" 1995 "Services" 55 . . . . . "TH:A5" 1996 "Services" 55 . . . . . "TH:A5" 1997 "Services" 55 . . . . . "TH:A5" 1998 "Services" 55 . . . . . "TH:A5" 1999 "Services" 55 . . . . . "TH:A5" 2000 "Services" 55 . . . . . "TH:A5" 2001 "Services" 55 . . . . . "TH:A5" 2002 "Services" 55 . . . . . "TH:A5" 2003 "Services" 55 1.1525862 9.27463e-06 2.13323 1.6549838 . "TH:A5" 2004 "Services" 55 .8782888 4.1007806e-06 1.278562 .3353536 .7317515 "TH:A5" 2005 "Services" 55 .9454873 3.986303e-06 1.0757637 -.16710582 .3259919 "TH:A5" 2006 "Services" 55 .8153177 4.708519e-06 .790372 -.4802925 -.19738112 "TH:A5" 2007 "Services" 55 . 7.53909e-06 1.9890834 .7235717 -.7690249 "TH:A5" 2008 "Services" 55 . 3.0673905e-06 .8288059 .019517805 .29439586 "TH:A5" 2009 "Services" 55 .50154984 2.404754e-06 .7490495 .09928747 .015301448 "TH:A5" 2010 "Services" 55 1.0619361 5.579828e-06 .8722108 -.865833 .23037992 "TH:A5" 2011 "Services" 55 2.92249 8.166732e-06 3.375139 2.098556 -1.267248 "TH:A5" 2012 "Services" 55 1.8582982 8.965635e-06 1.859912 -1.8453966 2.3038454 "TH:A5" 2013 "Services" 55 .777864 .000010775978 .9920258 -1.24344 -2.2180195 "TH:A5" 2014 "Services" 55 76.49998 .00001781642 1.1354939 -.5046679 -2.0558367 "TH:AA" 1994 "Industrials" 11 .15526025 5.469568e-07 .28518873 .1788937 . "TH:AA" 1995 "Industrials" 11 .2614009 1.410538e-07 .12367302 .05012615 .04613461 "TH:AA" 1996 "Industrials" 11 .1655263 6.650534e-08 .18224686 .12393637 .02363394 "TH:AA" 1997 "Industrials" 11 .1580202 5.070889e-08 .3385713 .199612 .0944988 "TH:AA" 1998 "Industrials" 11 .1568674 2.425732e-08 .2310874 .069126986 .09548724 "TH:AA" 1999 "Industrials" 11 .21467777 2.3942054e-08 .3114601 .0833761 .06822856 "TH:AA" 2000 "Industrials" 11 .3019628 3.158392e-08 .4725594 .06168694 .10998823 "TH:AA" 2001 "Industrials" 11 .27098876 3.1228307e-08 .4884446 .021205833 .06099238 "TH:AA" 2002 "Industrials" 11 .3005794 3.3299195e-08 .4917017 -.02913373 .022612084 "TH:AA" 2003 "Industrials" 11 .4097156 3.456964e-08 .6128936 .10243217 -.03024526 "TH:AA" 2004 "Industrials" 11 .43288425 3.376023e-08 .7015701 .1030268 .10003382 "TH:AA" 2005 "Industrials" 11 .4946924 3.622872e-08 .7147999 -.03806784 .11055996 "TH:AA" 2006 "Industrials" 11 .50810826 3.3656402e-08 .7413872 .07733966 -.035364937 "TH:AA" 2007 "Industrials" 11 .5259682 3.3217717e-08 .7778341 .04611031 .0763316 "TH:AA" 2008 "Industrials" 11 . 3.5009858e-08 . . .04859802 "TH:AA" 2009 "Industrials" 11 . . . . . end format %ty Year