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  • Is there a way to save 'esize output' for 'putexcel'?

    Dear stata forum,

    I am trying to save output from estat esize (after anova), for automatic save in excel. However, I can't seem to make it work with esize.

    I here use a very simple example data set:

    putexcel set "apple trees", sheet("tree") modify
    putexcel A1=("ES for apple trees") A2=("Eta sq") B2=("l_ci") C2=("u_ci")
        regress weight i.treatment
        estat esize
            scalar a2 = r(eta2)        
            scalar b2 = r(lb_eta2)
            scalar c2 = r(ub_eta2)
        putexcel A3=(a2) B3=(b2) C3=(c2)
    The excel will save headers, but A3, B3 and C3 are empty.

    Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?


  • #2
    The documentation for the use of estat esize after running regress is found in the output of help regress postestimation where - in my installation of Stata 17.0 - I see nothing that suggests r(eta2) etc. are returned by estat esize.

    What follows demonstrates what I think you want, run on Stata 17.0.
    putexcel set "apple trees", sheet("tree") modify
    putexcel A1=("ES for apple trees") A2=("Eta sq") B2=("l_ci") C2=("u_ci")
        regress weight i.treatment
        estat esize
            scalar a2 = r(eta2)        
            scalar b2 = r(lb_eta2)
            scalar c2 = r(ub_eta2)
            scalar list a2 b2 c2
            matrix list r(esize)
            scalar a2 = r(esize)[1,1]
            scalar b2 = r(esize)[1,2]
            scalar c2 = r(esize)[1,3]
            scalar list a2 b2 c2 
        putexcel A3=(a2) B3=(b2) C3=(c2)
    putexcel save
    . use
    (Apple trees)
    . putexcel set "apple trees", sheet("tree") modify
    . putexcel A1=("ES for apple trees") A2=("Eta sq") B2=("l_ci") C2=("u_ci")
    file apple trees.xlsx saved
    .     regress weight i.treatment
          Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =        10
    -------------+----------------------------------   F(3, 6)         =     21.46
           Model |  5295.54433         3  1765.18144   Prob > F        =    0.0013
        Residual |  493.591667         6  82.2652778   R-squared       =    0.9147
    -------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.8721
           Total |    5789.136         9  643.237333   Root MSE        =      9.07
          weight | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
       treatment |
              2  |  -59.16667   7.405641    -7.99   0.000    -77.28762   -41.04572
              3  |     -33.25   8.279758    -4.02   0.007    -53.50984   -12.99016
              4  |      -34.4   8.279758    -4.15   0.006    -54.65984   -14.14016
           _cons |      111.9   5.236579    21.37   0.000     99.08655    124.7134
    .     estat esize
    Effect sizes for linear models
                 Source | Eta-squared     df     [95% conf. interval]
                  Model |   .9147383       3     .4496586    .9419436
              treatment |   .9147383       3     .4496586    .9419436
    .         scalar a2 = r(eta2)        
    .         scalar b2 = r(lb_eta2)
    .         scalar c2 = r(ub_eta2)
    .         scalar list a2 b2 c2
            a2 =          .
            b2 =          .
            c2 =          .
    .         matrix list r(esize)
                       eta2    lb_eta2    ub_eta2   epsilon2     omega2     df_num     df_den
           Model  .91473828  .44965857  .94194364  .87210743  .85988817          3          6
    1b.treatment  .91473828  .44965857  .94194364  .87210743  .85988817          3          6
           Model  21.457187
    1b.treatment  21.457187
    .         scalar a2 = r(esize)[1,1]
    .         scalar b2 = r(esize)[1,2]
    .         scalar c2 = r(esize)[1,3]
    .         scalar list a2 b2 c2 
            a2 =  .91473828
            b2 =  .44965857
            c2 =  .94194364
    .     putexcel A3=(a2) B3=(b2) C3=(c2)
    file apple trees.xlsx saved
    . putexcel save
    Click image for larger version

Name:	trees.png
Views:	1
Size:	44.5 KB
ID:	1650223


    • #3
      Thank you so much William.

      Yes that is excactly what I wanted!

      Thank you for referring me to the correct location in the manual, I see I misread, however, I still have problems making it work in stata 14.0

      I receive an error when I attempt to save r(esize)[1,1] as a scalar.

      . putexcel set "apple trees", sheet("tree") modify
      . putexcel A1=("ES for apple trees") A2=("Eta sq") B2=("l_ci") C2=("u_ci")
      file apple trees.xlsx saved
      .     regress weight i.treatment
            Source |       SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =        10
      -------------+----------------------------------   F(3, 6)         =     21.46
             Model |  5295.54433         3  1765.18144   Prob > F        =    0.0013
          Residual |  493.591667         6  82.2652778   R-squared       =    0.9147
      -------------+----------------------------------   Adj R-squared   =    0.8721
             Total |    5789.136         9  643.237333   Root MSE        =      9.07
            weight |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         treatment |
                2  |  -59.16667   7.405641    -7.99   0.000    -77.28762   -41.04572
                3  |     -33.25   8.279758    -4.02   0.007    -53.50984   -12.99016
                4  |      -34.4   8.279758    -4.15   0.006    -54.65984   -14.14016
             _cons |      111.9   5.236579    21.37   0.000     99.08655    124.7134
      .     estat esize
      Effect sizes for linear models
                   Source |   Eta-Squared     df     [95% Conf. Interval]
                    Model |   .9147383         3     .4496586    .9419436
                treatment |   .9147383         3     .4496586    .9419436
      .         matrix list r(esize)
                         eta2    lb_eta2    ub_eta2     omega2  lb_omega2  ub_omega2     df_num     df_den
             Model  .91473828  .44965857  .94194364  .87210743  .17448785  .91291546          3          6
      1b.treatment  .91473828  .44965857  .94194364  .87210743  .17448785  .91291546          3          6
             Model  21.457187
      1b.treatment  21.457187
      .         scalar a2 = r(esize)[1,1]
      invalid syntax
      end of do-file
      (I have also tried scalar b2 = esize[1,2] , but without luck "esize not found" )


      • #4
        What version of Stata are you using?


        • #5
          Hi Leonardo,

          Stata/IC 14.2 for Mac


          • #6
            In the future, please make clear, as the Statalist FAQ recommends, the version of Stata that you are using. The following code should work in Stata 14.
            putexcel set "apple trees", sheet("tree") modify
            putexcel A1=("ES for apple trees") A2=("Eta sq") B2=("l_ci") C2=("u_ci")
                regress weight i.treatment
                estat esize
                    matrix r = r(esize)
                    matrix list r
                    scalar a2 = r[1,1]
                    scalar b2 = r[1,2]
                    scalar c2 = r[1,3]
                    scalar list a2 b2 c2
                putexcel A3=(a2) B3=(b2) C3=(c2)
            putexcel save
            As will this simplification, I believe.
            putexcel set "apple trees", sheet("tree") modify
            putexcel A1=("ES for apple trees") A2=("Eta sq") B2=("l_ci") C2=("u_ci")
                regress weight i.treatment
                estat esize
                    matrix r = r(esize)
                    matrix list r
                putexcel A3=(r[1,1]) B3=(r[1,2]) C3=(r[1,3])
            putexcel save
            Last edited by William Lisowski; 15 Feb 2022, 12:33.


            • #7
              Thank you both very much, this works! I will make sure to add my stata version everytime from now on. Thank you!


              • #8
                Let me thank you as I should have earlier for the very clearly presented reproducible example that made it easy to see what the problem was, and to test and develop these solutions. That's not as common as we wish it were.

                On Statalist we prefer to give solutions that work in the latest version of Stata when possible, because many Statalist followers use examples they see here to help learn the language (that's how I started), and why teach a new dog old tricks, to repurpose a familiar metaphor. I notice that in an earlier topic you posted your final code and graph for others to learn from, another thing we appreciate.

