I am working with the following model:
where gender and race are binary and imp is a continuous variable measuring strength of opinion on an issue.
Imp is demeaned (measured on a 5 point scale), and I've been recommended to demean race (white and non-white) and gender as well but I'm not sure how to interpret the individual and interaction effects using demeaned binary variables. For example, would the coefficient on gender tell us the effect of moving one s.d. in the pop av of gender on y? This makes less sense to me than using a binary non-demeaned version.
I am working with the following model:
reg y gender##race##imp
Imp is demeaned (measured on a 5 point scale), and I've been recommended to demean race (white and non-white) and gender as well but I'm not sure how to interpret the individual and interaction effects using demeaned binary variables. For example, would the coefficient on gender tell us the effect of moving one s.d. in the pop av of gender on y? This makes less sense to me than using a binary non-demeaned version.