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  • Using "estat ptrends" to test DiD parallel trends assumption

    I am trying to use the estat ptrends command to check the parallel trends assumption in a Diff-in-Diff research design. I tried following the instructions here:

    Here is a dataex.
    Earnings is my outcome variable,
    DiD is the treatment variable, which is an interaction between treatment_time*treated_neighborhood. It takes the value of 1 if the observation lives in a treated neighborhood and received treatment after the policy is implemented.
    treated_neighborhood takes the value of one if the neighborhood received policy treatment, and 0 otherwise.

    Finally, treatment_time takes the value of 1 if the month falls after the treatment occurred, and 0 otherwise, based on the month variable.

    dataex earnings DiD treated_neighborhood treatment_time month

    ----------------------- copy starting from the next line -----------------------
    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input float(earnings DiD treated_neighborhood treatment_time)
    437 0 0 0 -6274
    322 0 0 0 -6298
    554 0 0 0 -6287
    246 0 0 0 -6291
    331 0 0 0 -6356
    109 0 0 0 -6312

    The code above works well with no errors, however, when I run estat ptrends or estat granger to include dummies as if treatment had occurred in the past, I receive the following error:

    "estat ptrend requires at least two pre-intervention time periods"

    Here is how I coded the treatment_time variable:

    gen treatment_time = (month>=ym(2007, 9) & !missing(month))

    Difference in differences (DID) is one of the most respected tools to estimate the average treatment effect on the treated (ATET).
    Last edited by Paolo Maldini; 15 Feb 2022, 06:44. Reason: diff-in-diff