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  • export a set of correlation tables using command frame

    Dear All,

    I'm using Stata to investigate the bilateral trade at the sectoral level. I wanted to check whether correlation of variables is in line with the economic intuition (distance and trade-negative, GDP and trade-positive). I used the following code:

     frame create myresults
    frame create holding
    tempfile holding
    local sectorname
    xtset id year
    local where 1
    levelsof HSspecific, local(sectors)
    foreach sector of local sectors{
        capture noisily{
            di "For sector `sector'"
            corr log_exp log_GDP log_EXCH log_distance cm_border eu if HSspecific==`sector'
            mat res= (r(table)[1..6, 1..6])'
            frame holding{
                set obs 6
                svmat res
                save `holding', replace
            frame myresults{
                append using `holding'
                cap gen sector= "`sector'" in `where'    
                replace sector= "GDP CAP sector `sector'" in `where'
                local ++where
                replace sector= "EXCH sector `sector'" in `where'
                local ++where
                replace sector= "distance sector `sector'" in `where'
                local ++where
                replace sector= "cm_border sector `sector'" in `where'
                local ++where
                replace sector= "eu sector `sector'" in `where'
                local ++where
    frame myresults{
        order sector
        rename  (res1- res6)  (log_exp log_GDP log_EXCH log_distance cm_border eu )
    frame drop holding
    frame myresults: browse
    frame myresults: l, sep(0)
    where HSspecific indicates sector number, log_exp is logarithm of export, log_GDP- logarithm of GDP, log_EXCH- log of exchange rate, log_distance- logarithm of distance, cm_border- dummy indicating whether countries share a common border, eu-dummy indicating whether both countries belong to the European Union.

    Stata displayed the tables with correlation. However, I see error: invalid syntax. E.g:
    invalid syntax
    For sector 30243
                 |  log_exp  log_GDP log_EXCH log_di~e cm_bor~r       eu
         log_exp |   1.0000
         log_GDP |   0.2189   1.0000
        log_EXCH |  -0.6093   0.2566   1.0000
    log_distance |  -0.6677  -0.4501   0.5004   1.0000
       cm_border |   0.3294   0.3943  -0.2145  -0.6568   1.0000
              eu |   0.2777  -0.3375  -0.1203  -0.0721  -0.1153   1.0000
    The signs are as expected. However, Stata doesn't display matrix with results for each sector. I see an error:
    frame myresults{
         order sector
    no variables defined
    rename  (res1- res6)  (log_exp log_GDP log_EXCH log_distance cm_border eu ) }
    Here is a sample of my Stata output:
    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input float(log_exp log_GDP log_EXCH log_distance cm_border eu) long HSspecific int year float id
     21.41338  9.807273  .25675145 9.693803 0 0     0 1991  1
    21.630123  9.859335  .13704698 9.693803 0 0     0 1992  1
       21.626  9.911574   .1171426 9.693803 0 0     0 1993  1
     21.79623   9.97103   .1709818 9.693803 0 0     0 1994  1
     22.02459 10.017065  .06047494 9.693803 0 0     0 1995  1
    21.972624 10.054852   .1634534 9.693803 0 0     0 1996  1
     21.94359  10.10407   .2523011 9.693803 0 0     0 1997  1
     21.97477  10.15314  .10024168 9.693803 0 0     0 1998  1
    21.960596 10.208075 -.50192624 9.693803 0 0     0 1999  1
     21.85747 10.250782  -.4656639 9.693803 0 0     0 2000  1
     21.88538 10.294225  -.5490737 9.693803 0 0     0 2001  1
    22.030205 10.335284  -.5541078 9.693803 0 0     0 2002  1
     22.28353  10.38446 -.55626863 9.693803 0 0     0 2003  1
    22.475513 10.432998 -.52555615 9.693803 0 0     0 2004  1
     22.55476 10.481292  -.4880296 9.693803 0 0     0 2005  1
    22.654886 10.542543 -.51126665 9.693803 0 0     0 2006  1
     22.79919 10.588058  -.4933665 9.693803 0 0     0 2007  1
    23.000784  10.59926 -.56155837 9.693803 0 0     0 2008  1
     22.89651 10.636732 -.58130705 9.693803 0 0     0 2009  1
    23.066584 10.664525  -.3682772 9.693803 0 0     0 2010  1
    23.173985  10.70166 -.29969665 9.693803 0 0     0 2011  1
    23.214634  10.68929  -.2157968 9.693803 0 0     0 2012  1
    23.160517 10.773984  -.3189786 9.693803 0 0     0 2013  1
     23.06461  10.77067  -.3878373 9.693803 0 0     0 2014  1
            . 10.335284  -.5541078 9.693803 0 0 10110 2002  2
            .  10.38446 -.55626863 9.693803 0 0 10110 2003  2
            . 10.432998 -.52555615 9.693803 0 0 10110 2004  2
            . 10.481292  -.4880296 9.693803 0 0 10110 2005  2
     8.294049 10.542543 -.51126665 9.693803 0 0 10110 2006  2
            . 10.588058  -.4933665 9.693803 0 0 10110 2007  2
    10.645425 10.636732 -.58130705 9.693803 0 0 10110 2009  2
            . 10.664525  -.3682772 9.693803 0 0 10110 2010  2
            .  10.70166 -.29969665 9.693803 0 0 10110 2011  2
    10.950807   9.97103   .1709818 9.693803 0 0 10111 1994  3
            . 10.054852   .1634534 9.693803 0 0 10111 1996  3
            .  10.10407   .2523011 9.693803 0 0 10111 1997  3
            . 10.208075 -.50192624 9.693803 0 0 10111 1999  3
            . 10.294225  -.5490737 9.693803 0 0 10111 2001  3
     10.83958  9.807273  .25675145 9.693803 0 0 10119 1991  4
            .  9.859335  .13704698 9.693803 0 0 10119 1992  4
            .  9.911574   .1171426 9.693803 0 0 10119 1993  4
            .   9.97103   .1709818 9.693803 0 0 10119 1994  4
            . 10.017065  .06047494 9.693803 0 0 10119 1995  4
            . 10.054852   .1634534 9.693803 0 0 10119 1996  4
            .  10.10407   .2523011 9.693803 0 0 10119 1997  4
            .  10.15314  .10024168 9.693803 0 0 10119 1998  4
            . 10.208075 -.50192624 9.693803 0 0 10119 1999  4
    11.066638 10.250782  -.4656639 9.693803 0 0 10119 2000  4
    11.198215 10.294225  -.5490737 9.693803 0 0 10119 2001  4
            .  10.68929  -.2157968 9.693803 0 0 10121 2012  5
            .  10.77067  -.3878373 9.693803 0 0 10121 2014  5
            . 10.822786  -.3981192 9.693803 0 0 10121 2016  5
            . 10.833665  -.3879531 9.693803 0 0 10121 2017  5
    15.227152  10.68929  -.2157968 9.693803 0 0 10129 2012  6
    15.211052 10.773984  -.3189786 9.693803 0 0 10129 2013  6
    14.995152  10.77067  -.3878373 9.693803 0 0 10129 2014  6
    14.288353  10.76284  -.3899194 9.693803 0 0 10129 2015  6
    14.704036 10.822786  -.3981192 9.693803 0 0 10129 2016  6
    14.532348 10.833665  -.3879531 9.693803 0 0 10129 2017  6
    13.927883 10.886076   -.457807 9.693803 0 0 10129 2018  6
    10.985292 10.335284  -.5541078 9.693803 0 0 10190 2002  7
     12.20106  10.38446 -.55626863 9.693803 0 0 10190 2003  7
     10.89674 10.432998 -.52555615 9.693803 0 0 10190 2004  7
     14.36767 10.542543 -.51126665 9.693803 0 0 10190 2006  7
    13.299672 10.588058  -.4933665 9.693803 0 0 10190 2007  7
    14.746887  10.59926 -.56155837 9.693803 0 0 10190 2008  7
    15.009736 10.636732 -.58130705 9.693803 0 0 10190 2009  7
    14.346915 10.664525  -.3682772 9.693803 0 0 10190 2010  7
    14.692664  10.70166 -.29969665 9.693803 0 0 10190 2011  7
     6.907755 10.017065  .06047494 9.693803 0 0 10210 1995  8
     11.21182 10.588058  -.4933665 9.693803 0 0 10210 2007  8
     6.907755  10.15314  .10024168 9.693803 0 0 10310 1998  9
     8.798606 10.664525  -.3682772 9.693803 0 0 10511 2010 10
     8.699514  9.807273  .25675145 9.693803 0 0 10600 1991 11
     8.006368  9.859335  .13704698 9.693803 0 0 10600 1992 11
     8.006368  9.911574   .1171426 9.693803 0 0 10600 1993 11
            .   9.97103   .1709818 9.693803 0 0 10600 1994 11
            . 10.017065  .06047494 9.693803 0 0 10600 1995 11
            . 10.054852   .1634534 9.693803 0 0 10600 1996 11
     8.149024  10.10407   .2523011 9.693803 0 0 10600 1997 11
     8.784315 10.208075 -.50192624 9.693803 0 0 10600 1999 11
            . 10.250782  -.4656639 9.693803 0 0 10600 2000 11
    9.1049795 10.294225  -.5490737 9.693803 0 0 10600 2001 11
            . 10.588058  -.4933665 9.693803 0 0 10611 2007 12
            .  10.76284  -.3899194 9.693803 0 0 10613 2015 13
            . 10.335284  -.5541078 9.693803 0 0 10619 2002 14
     6.907755  10.38446 -.55626863 9.693803 0 0 10619 2003 14
     6.907755 10.432998 -.52555615 9.693803 0 0 10619 2004 14
     6.907755 10.481292  -.4880296 9.693803 0 0 10619 2005 14
            . 10.542543 -.51126665 9.693803 0 0 10619 2006 14
            . 10.588058  -.4933665 9.693803 0 0 10619 2007 14
     6.907755  10.59926 -.56155837 9.693803 0 0 10619 2008 14
            . 10.636732 -.58130705 9.693803 0 0 10619 2009 14
            . 10.664525  -.3682772 9.693803 0 0 10619 2010 14
     5.627621  10.70166 -.29969665 9.693803 0 0 10619 2011 14
            .  10.68929  -.2157968 9.693803 0 0 10619 2012 14
            . 10.773984  -.3189786 9.693803 0 0 10619 2013 14
     7.487174  10.77067  -.3878373 9.693803 0 0 10619 2014 14
     10.28141  10.76284  -.3899194 9.693803 0 0 10619 2015 14
    11.195554 10.822786  -.3981192 9.693803 0 0 10619 2016 14

    I would be very grateful for your help.
    Last edited by sladmin; 28 Aug 2023, 09:39. Reason: anonymize original poster

  • #2
    Your example dataset cannot generate all those correlations that you request. But you can get a \(3\times 3\) correlation matrix for most of the sectors. I would export these in CSV format using estout from SSC. If you want, you can subsequently import to Stata using import delimited.

    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input float(log_exp log_GDP log_EXCH log_distance cm_border eu) long HSspecific int year float id
     21.41338  9.807273  .25675145 9.693803 0 0     0 1991  1
    21.630123  9.859335  .13704698 9.693803 0 0     0 1992  1
       21.626  9.911574   .1171426 9.693803 0 0     0 1993  1
     21.79623   9.97103   .1709818 9.693803 0 0     0 1994  1
     22.02459 10.017065  .06047494 9.693803 0 0     0 1995  1
    21.972624 10.054852   .1634534 9.693803 0 0     0 1996  1
     21.94359  10.10407   .2523011 9.693803 0 0     0 1997  1
     21.97477  10.15314  .10024168 9.693803 0 0     0 1998  1
    21.960596 10.208075 -.50192624 9.693803 0 0     0 1999  1
     21.85747 10.250782  -.4656639 9.693803 0 0     0 2000  1
     21.88538 10.294225  -.5490737 9.693803 0 0     0 2001  1
    22.030205 10.335284  -.5541078 9.693803 0 0     0 2002  1
     22.28353  10.38446 -.55626863 9.693803 0 0     0 2003  1
    22.475513 10.432998 -.52555615 9.693803 0 0     0 2004  1
     22.55476 10.481292  -.4880296 9.693803 0 0     0 2005  1
    22.654886 10.542543 -.51126665 9.693803 0 0     0 2006  1
     22.79919 10.588058  -.4933665 9.693803 0 0     0 2007  1
    23.000784  10.59926 -.56155837 9.693803 0 0     0 2008  1
     22.89651 10.636732 -.58130705 9.693803 0 0     0 2009  1
    23.066584 10.664525  -.3682772 9.693803 0 0     0 2010  1
    23.173985  10.70166 -.29969665 9.693803 0 0     0 2011  1
    23.214634  10.68929  -.2157968 9.693803 0 0     0 2012  1
    23.160517 10.773984  -.3189786 9.693803 0 0     0 2013  1
     23.06461  10.77067  -.3878373 9.693803 0 0     0 2014  1
            . 10.335284  -.5541078 9.693803 0 0 10110 2002  2
            .  10.38446 -.55626863 9.693803 0 0 10110 2003  2
            . 10.432998 -.52555615 9.693803 0 0 10110 2004  2
            . 10.481292  -.4880296 9.693803 0 0 10110 2005  2
     8.294049 10.542543 -.51126665 9.693803 0 0 10110 2006  2
            . 10.588058  -.4933665 9.693803 0 0 10110 2007  2
    10.645425 10.636732 -.58130705 9.693803 0 0 10110 2009  2
            . 10.664525  -.3682772 9.693803 0 0 10110 2010  2
            .  10.70166 -.29969665 9.693803 0 0 10110 2011  2
    10.950807   9.97103   .1709818 9.693803 0 0 10111 1994  3
            . 10.054852   .1634534 9.693803 0 0 10111 1996  3
            .  10.10407   .2523011 9.693803 0 0 10111 1997  3
            . 10.208075 -.50192624 9.693803 0 0 10111 1999  3
            . 10.294225  -.5490737 9.693803 0 0 10111 2001  3
     10.83958  9.807273  .25675145 9.693803 0 0 10119 1991  4
            .  9.859335  .13704698 9.693803 0 0 10119 1992  4
            .  9.911574   .1171426 9.693803 0 0 10119 1993  4
            .   9.97103   .1709818 9.693803 0 0 10119 1994  4
            . 10.017065  .06047494 9.693803 0 0 10119 1995  4
            . 10.054852   .1634534 9.693803 0 0 10119 1996  4
            .  10.10407   .2523011 9.693803 0 0 10119 1997  4
            .  10.15314  .10024168 9.693803 0 0 10119 1998  4
            . 10.208075 -.50192624 9.693803 0 0 10119 1999  4
    11.066638 10.250782  -.4656639 9.693803 0 0 10119 2000  4
    11.198215 10.294225  -.5490737 9.693803 0 0 10119 2001  4
            .  10.68929  -.2157968 9.693803 0 0 10121 2012  5
            .  10.77067  -.3878373 9.693803 0 0 10121 2014  5
            . 10.822786  -.3981192 9.693803 0 0 10121 2016  5
            . 10.833665  -.3879531 9.693803 0 0 10121 2017  5
    15.227152  10.68929  -.2157968 9.693803 0 0 10129 2012  6
    15.211052 10.773984  -.3189786 9.693803 0 0 10129 2013  6
    14.995152  10.77067  -.3878373 9.693803 0 0 10129 2014  6
    14.288353  10.76284  -.3899194 9.693803 0 0 10129 2015  6
    14.704036 10.822786  -.3981192 9.693803 0 0 10129 2016  6
    14.532348 10.833665  -.3879531 9.693803 0 0 10129 2017  6
    13.927883 10.886076   -.457807 9.693803 0 0 10129 2018  6
    10.985292 10.335284  -.5541078 9.693803 0 0 10190 2002  7
     12.20106  10.38446 -.55626863 9.693803 0 0 10190 2003  7
     10.89674 10.432998 -.52555615 9.693803 0 0 10190 2004  7
     14.36767 10.542543 -.51126665 9.693803 0 0 10190 2006  7
    13.299672 10.588058  -.4933665 9.693803 0 0 10190 2007  7
    14.746887  10.59926 -.56155837 9.693803 0 0 10190 2008  7
    15.009736 10.636732 -.58130705 9.693803 0 0 10190 2009  7
    14.346915 10.664525  -.3682772 9.693803 0 0 10190 2010  7
    14.692664  10.70166 -.29969665 9.693803 0 0 10190 2011  7
     6.907755 10.017065  .06047494 9.693803 0 0 10210 1995  8
     11.21182 10.588058  -.4933665 9.693803 0 0 10210 2007  8
     6.907755  10.15314  .10024168 9.693803 0 0 10310 1998  9
     8.798606 10.664525  -.3682772 9.693803 0 0 10511 2010 10
     8.699514  9.807273  .25675145 9.693803 0 0 10600 1991 11
     8.006368  9.859335  .13704698 9.693803 0 0 10600 1992 11
     8.006368  9.911574   .1171426 9.693803 0 0 10600 1993 11
            .   9.97103   .1709818 9.693803 0 0 10600 1994 11
            . 10.017065  .06047494 9.693803 0 0 10600 1995 11
            . 10.054852   .1634534 9.693803 0 0 10600 1996 11
     8.149024  10.10407   .2523011 9.693803 0 0 10600 1997 11
     8.784315 10.208075 -.50192624 9.693803 0 0 10600 1999 11
            . 10.250782  -.4656639 9.693803 0 0 10600 2000 11
    9.1049795 10.294225  -.5490737 9.693803 0 0 10600 2001 11
            . 10.588058  -.4933665 9.693803 0 0 10611 2007 12
            .  10.76284  -.3899194 9.693803 0 0 10613 2015 13
            . 10.335284  -.5541078 9.693803 0 0 10619 2002 14
     6.907755  10.38446 -.55626863 9.693803 0 0 10619 2003 14
     6.907755 10.432998 -.52555615 9.693803 0 0 10619 2004 14
     6.907755 10.481292  -.4880296 9.693803 0 0 10619 2005 14
            . 10.542543 -.51126665 9.693803 0 0 10619 2006 14
            . 10.588058  -.4933665 9.693803 0 0 10619 2007 14
     6.907755  10.59926 -.56155837 9.693803 0 0 10619 2008 14
            . 10.636732 -.58130705 9.693803 0 0 10619 2009 14
            . 10.664525  -.3682772 9.693803 0 0 10619 2010 14
     5.627621  10.70166 -.29969665 9.693803 0 0 10619 2011 14
            .  10.68929  -.2157968 9.693803 0 0 10619 2012 14
            . 10.773984  -.3189786 9.693803 0 0 10619 2013 14
     7.487174  10.77067  -.3878373 9.693803 0 0 10619 2014 14
     10.28141  10.76284  -.3899194 9.693803 0 0 10619 2015 14
    11.195554 10.822786  -.3981192 9.693803 0 0 10619 2016 14
    local which 1
    levelsof HSspecific, local(sectors)
    foreach sector of local sectors{
        capture noisily{
            local opt= cond(`which'==1, "replace", "append")
            estpost corr log_exp log_GDP log_EXCH if HSspecific==`sector', matrix
            esttab . using myfile.csv, b(4)  unstack nonum nomtitle not noobs compress varwidth(18) modelwidth(4) `opt' title(For sector `sector')
            local ++which
    For sector 0
    log_exp log_GDP log_EXCH
    log_exp 1.0000
    log_GDP 0.9555*** 1.0000
    log_EXCH -0.5504** -0.7261*** 1.0000
    ="* p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001"
    For sector 10110
    log_exp log_GDP log_EXCH
    log_exp 1.0000
    log_GDP 1.0000 1.0000
    log_EXCH -1.0000 0.6682* 1.0000
    ="* p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001"
    For sector 10119
    log_exp log_GDP log_EXCH
    log_exp 1.0000
    log_GDP 0.9581 1.0000
    log_EXCH -0.9619 -0.7874** 1.0000
    ="* p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001"
    For sector 10129
    log_exp log_GDP log_EXCH
    log_exp 1.0000
    log_GDP -0.7475 1.0000
    log_EXCH 0.8035* -0.8808** 1.0000
    ="* p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001"
    For sector 10190
    log_exp log_GDP log_EXCH
    log_exp 1.0000
    log_GDP 0.8889** 1.0000
    log_EXCH 0.3327 0.5996 1.0000
    ="* p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001"
    For sector 10210
    log_exp log_GDP log_EXCH
    log_exp 1.0000
    log_GDP 1.0000 1.0000
    log_EXCH -1.0000 -1.0000 1.0000
    ="* p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001"
    For sector 10600
    log_exp log_GDP log_EXCH
    log_exp 1.0000
    log_GDP 0.6072 1.0000
    log_EXCH -0.7439 -0.8363** 1.0000
    ="* p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001"
    For sector 10619
    log_exp log_GDP log_EXCH
    log_exp 1.0000
    log_GDP 0.5887 1.0000
    log_EXCH 0.2150 0.6843** 1.0000
    ="* p<0.05 ** p<0.01 *** p<0.001"

