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  • Hi How to Calculate Productivity by Person

    Hi i want to say sorry if this already being questioned before. But due my lack of English dictionary, i did not know what the keyword for looking same question
    Secondly, i want to thank you in advance that you allocate your time for read and answer my question.

    Im using Stata 14.2 and i have some problem to calculate my data.

    My data is contain person name and their daily productivity... its like

    Malik produce 10 in 10th of Feb in Makassar region
    Malik produce 12 in 14th of Feb in Makassar region
    Malik produce 9 in 16th of Feb in Makassar region
    Viktor produce 11 in 11 of January in Maros region
    Viktor produce 8 in 12 of January in Maros Region
    Desy produce 14 in February in Gowa Region
    etc etc

    in that case, with what command that i can use if i want to know each person total productivity? i want to know all of their productivity, if i want to move further, i want to know also their productivity by region (so it region, person, productivity). thank you

    Thanks again

  • #2
    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input str6 person int day byte productivity str8 region
    "Malik"  22686 10 "Makassar"
    "Malik"  22690 12 "Makassar"
    "Malik"  22692  9 "Makassar"
    "Viktor" 22656 11 "Maros"   
    "Viktor" 22657  8 "Maros"   
    "Desy"   22690 14 "Gowa"   
    format %td day
    by person, sort: egen prod_person = total(productivity)
    by region, sort: egen prod_region = total(productivity)


    • #3
      hi thank you for kindly answer my question

      can you explain to me
      what is
      input str6 person int day byte productivity str8 region "Malik" 22686 10 "Makassar" <int day> <byte> <str8> <22686> mean and its function? actually i insert my data using Excel. and the person text e.g Malik has red colour on it on the Stata browser. could you help me what its mean? thanks a lot

