I'm trying to create a table of p values from multiple different tests (linear regression and Fisher's exact tests).
I can easily get the p values from the linear regression which are stored and found easily. I do not know how to get the p values from the Fisher's exact tests to put into my table.
Here is my code
collect create Table1_pvals, replace
foreach var of varlist age BMI dia_av sys_av {
collect: regress `var' sex
foreach var of varlist diabetes smoking hypertension high_cholesterol {
collect: tabulate `var' sex, exact
collect: regress lnlestot sex tiv
collect label levels coleq age "age" BMI "BMI" dia_av "DBP" sys_av "SBP" diabetes "Diabetes" smoking "Smoking" hypertension "Hypertension" high_cholesterol "High cholesterol" lnlestot "logWMH", modify
collect layout (colname [sex]#result[_r_p] [sex]#result[_r_p_exact]) (coleq), name(Table1_pvals)
This is the error I get for the p values for the Fisher's exact tests:
"(level _r_p_exact of dimension result not found)"
How to I retrieve the p values for Fisher's exact test and put them in my table?
Many thanks!
I'm trying to create a table of p values from multiple different tests (linear regression and Fisher's exact tests).
I can easily get the p values from the linear regression which are stored and found easily. I do not know how to get the p values from the Fisher's exact tests to put into my table.
Here is my code
collect create Table1_pvals, replace
foreach var of varlist age BMI dia_av sys_av {
collect: regress `var' sex
foreach var of varlist diabetes smoking hypertension high_cholesterol {
collect: tabulate `var' sex, exact
collect: regress lnlestot sex tiv
collect label levels coleq age "age" BMI "BMI" dia_av "DBP" sys_av "SBP" diabetes "Diabetes" smoking "Smoking" hypertension "Hypertension" high_cholesterol "High cholesterol" lnlestot "logWMH", modify
collect layout (colname [sex]#result[_r_p] [sex]#result[_r_p_exact]) (coleq), name(Table1_pvals)
This is the error I get for the p values for the Fisher's exact tests:
"(level _r_p_exact of dimension result not found)"
How to I retrieve the p values for Fisher's exact test and put them in my table?
Many thanks!