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  • HEADERROW for putdocx collect (Stata 17)


    I'd like to use the function 'headerrow' also for the putdocx collect command.

    Does anyone have an idea, how?

    Without collect:

    putdocx table t1 = data(x y z), layout(autofitcontents) headerrow(1)

    I have tried the same with collect in Stata 17, without success:

    table (varA varB) () , statistic(frequency) statistic(percent) nototal ///
    collect style use CAT2CAT.stjson, override

    putdocx paragraph, style(Heading4)
    collect style putdocx, layout(autofitcontents) // ** collect style putdocx, layout(autofitcontents) headerrow(1) - headerrow(1) is not available
    putdocx collect, tablename(t1)

    putdocx table t1 , headerrow(1) // ** , headerrow(1) is not available

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Option headerrow() is currently not supported by
    collect style putdocx or putdocx collect.

    One workaround is to use option dofile() to save the putdocx
    commands that collect uses to produce the table, then modify the
    do-file to add any unsupported options.

    We will look into adding support for option headerrow() to
    collect style putdocx in a future update to Stata 17.

