hello, I am using the xtscc and I want to estimate the ATE following the jorda`s paper. I have a panel data from 1996-2019 but when I estimate the model I get the error that "pweight is not allowed" , I try to find the logic behind this because when I do through the simple regression I can use the "pweight" but in the "xtscc" no.
I hope I receive your assistance.
gen a=forward_dumrecession gen invwt=a/probit_hat + (1-a)/(1-probit_hat)
capture drop a invwt foreach v in ltotalfertility { foreach vart in "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5"{ * SAME OUTCOME REG IN BOTH T&C THIS TIME, REST ALL THE SAME (eq18) xi: xtscc d`vart'`v' l(0/2) l(0/2)forward_dumrecession l(1/1)d0`v' i.year [pweight=invwt],fe *set sample gen samp=e(sample) *actual predict mu0 if samp==1 & forward_dumrecession==0 *actual predict mu1 if samp==1 & forward_dumrecession==1 * ghost replace mu0 = mu1 - _b[forward_dumrecession] if samp==1 & forward_dumrecession==1 * ghost replace mu1 = mu0 + _b[forward_dumrecession] if samp==1 & forward_dumrecession==0 *from Lunt et al generate mdiff1=(-(a-probit_hat)*mu1/probit_hat)-((a-probit_hat)*mu0/(1-probit_hat)) generate iptw=(2*a-1)*d`vart'`v'*invwt generate dr1=iptw+mdiff1 *constant for convenience in next reg to get mean qui gen ATE_IPWRA=1 qui reg dr1 ATE_IPWRA , nocons eststo DR1_d`vart'`v' sum dr1 local dr1m = r(mean) gen Isq = (dr1-`dr1m')^2 sum Isq estadd scalar RobustSE = sqrt(r(mean)/r(N)) estadd scalar pvalue = normal(`dr1m'/sqrt(r(mean)/r(N))) capture drop iptw Isq mdiff1 dr1 mu1 mu0 samp ATE_IPWRA capture scalar drop dr1m } }
I hope I receive your assistance.