Dear Stata users,
Sorry! I am running a do-file using Stata 17, but the results vary every time I run the do-file while everything remains the same: the dataset, the do-file, and the computer. This is an update on my previous post because I am asked to post the commands I use. Here comes the commands I use in one of the sections. What is common everywhere is that I use "sort household_id" in all the remaining sections before I proceed to merge. Any hint is well appreciated.
[CODE] rename af_bio_1 annmtemp
[CODE] gen household_id = substr(household_id2,1,7) + substr(household_id2,12,18)
[CODE] duplicates report household_id
[CODE] duplicates list household_id
[CODE] duplicates list household_id
[CODE] keep household_id annmtemp
[CODE] sort household_id
Sorry! I am running a do-file using Stata 17, but the results vary every time I run the do-file while everything remains the same: the dataset, the do-file, and the computer. This is an update on my previous post because I am asked to post the commands I use. Here comes the commands I use in one of the sections. What is common everywhere is that I use "sort household_id" in all the remaining sections before I proceed to merge. Any hint is well appreciated.
use "raw/ETH_HouseholdGeovars_Y3", clear
[CODE] gen household_id = substr(household_id2,1,7) + substr(household_id2,12,18)
[CODE] duplicates report household_id
[CODE] duplicates list household_id
[CODE] duplicates list household_id
[CODE] keep household_id annmtemp
[CODE] sort household_id
save "temp/Pub_ETH_HouseholdGeovariables_Y3R", replace