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Ramadan Elfaitouri since your Stata is now up to date, I recommend that you type
java set home default
which will point the Stata installation back to the default Java installation.
For some background, it looks like your Stata was not fully updated which was likely the cause of the original problem. Now that Stata is up to date, you should be able to use the Java installation included with Stata.
As an alternative, you can point Stata to another Java installation as Tarun Choudhary suggests in post #17. However, we are not currently recommending JDK 17 with Stata as it has not yet been fully certified with Stata. Instead we are recommending JDK 11 for Stata 17 and JRE 11 for Stata 16.
set java_home "C:\Users\ramfa\Desktop\jdk-17_windows-x64_bin\jdk-17.0.2" It works perfectly.
BIG BIG THANK YOU to all of you guys.
I would follow James Hassell (StataCorp)'s suggestion to see if that works as you will not be using a supported distribution of Java with Stata and that may cause unintended consequences later on.