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  • Barron kenny's 3-step method to calculate the mediation effect of General Structural Equation Model (GSEM) with the sobel test

    Hi there,

    I want to test a complex mediational model using gsem command but what command is used for it. As I know medsem is used for sem but it doesn't work for gsem. The detailed code for direct and indirect effects are below:

    gsem (govsprt <- govctr lnsale inno cert asso lnage fcons i.indus i.a1, family(bernoulli) link(logit)) ///
    (banksprt <- govctr lnsale inno cert asso lnage fcons i.indus i.a1, family(bernoulli) link(logit)) ///
    (open <- govsprt banksprt govctr lnsale inno cert asso lnage fcons i.indus i.a1, family(bernoulli) link(logit)), vce(cluster a1)

    foreach x of varlist govctr lnsale inno cert asso lnage fcons {
    display "indirect effect"
    nlcom _b[open:govsprt]*_b[govsprt:`x']
    nlcom _b[open:banksprt]*_b[banksprt:`x']

    I really need some help on this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.