Dear all
I have a cross-sectional dataset organised in three levels
If the explanation is not clear launching the following sample data:
And running:
Should illustrate the issue.
Many thanks
I have a cross-sectional dataset organised in three levels
- Individuals, nested within...
- Nuclear families (their parents and siblings), nested within...
- Extended families (their uncle/aunt and first cousins)
If the explanation is not clear launching the following sample data:
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input float chmarried11 byte totchildren11 float(chsex6 cheduc5 efamid nfamid)
1 3 0 . 1 1
0 3 1 . 1 1
0 3 1 . 1 1
1 2 1 18 2 2
1 2 0 18 2 2
0 2 0 12 3 3
1 2 1 13 3 3
0 3 1 . 4 4
1 3 1 . 4 5
1 3 0 . 4 4
1 3 1 . 4 5
1 3 0 . 4 5
1 3 0 . 4 4
1 3 1 13 5 7
1 3 0 14 5 7
1 9 0 16 5 6
1 9 0 16 5 6
1 9 1 16 5 6
1 9 1 16 5 6
1 9 1 16 5 6
1 9 0 16 5 6
1 9 0 13 5 6
1 3 1 16 5 7
1 9 0 16 5 6
1 9 0 16 5 6
1 2 0 16 6 8
0 2 1 16 6 8
1 2 1 16 7 9
1 2 0 12 7 9
1 4 0 12 8 10
1 4 0 12 8 10
1 4 0 12 8 10
0 4 1 12 8 10
1 3 1 16 9 11
0 3 1 16 9 11
1 3 1 16 9 11
0 2 0 16 10 12
0 2 1 35 10 12
0 3 1 13 11 13
1 3 0 14 11 13
0 3 0 16 11 13
1 3 1 . 12 15
1 3 0 . 12 15
0 2 1 . 12 14
0 2 0 . 12 14
1 3 1 . 12 15
0 3 0 . 13 16
1 3 0 . 13 16
0 3 1 . 13 16
1 2 0 16 14 18
label values totchildren11 QQ2011NKIDS
label values chsex6 chsex6
label def chsex6 0 "Female", modify
label def chsex6 1 "Male", modify
label values cheduc5 QQHIGHESTGRADE
label def QQHIGHESTGRADE 12 "12 years of school -- high school graduate", modify
label def QQHIGHESTGRADE 13 "1 year of college", modify
label def QQHIGHESTGRADE 14 "2 years of college", modify
label def QQHIGHESTGRADE 16 "4 years of college -- Bachelor's degree", modify
label def QQHIGHESTGRADE 18 "6 years college, 2 years grad or prof school", modify
label def QQHIGHESTGRADE 35 "Attended or attends special school", modify
bysort efamid: egen meanchmarried11 = mean(chmarried11) bysort efamid: egen meantotchildren11 = mean(totchildren11) bysort efamid: egen meanchsex6 = mean(chsex6) bysort efamid: egen meancheduc5 = mean(cheduc5) gen marriedd = chmarried11 - meanchmarried11 gen totchildrend = totchildren11 - meantotchildren11 gen chsexd = chsex6 - meanchsex6 gen cheducd = cheduc5 - meancheduc5 reg chmarried11 totchildren11 i.chsex6 cheduc5 i.efamid reg marriedd totchildrend chsexd cheducd
Many thanks