I am trying to estimate a regression with 746 city fixed-effects and a distinct slope-parameter for each city. I would like to cluster the standard errors by city. I am using Stata 16.
The results seem fine when I use no option or the robust option to compute standard errors. When I try to cluster them by city, the standard errors get extremely small, to an extent that makes me suspect that something must be incorrect.
I was able to recreate the same behavior with sample data.
While the sample data has only two groups, my actual data shows the same behavior with 746 groups. Restricting the sample to cities with at least 1000 observations does not change anything either, so it does not appear to be driven by a small number of observations.
What am I doing wrong?
I am trying to estimate a regression with 746 city fixed-effects and a distinct slope-parameter for each city. I would like to cluster the standard errors by city. I am using Stata 16.
The results seem fine when I use no option or the robust option to compute standard errors. When I try to cluster them by city, the standard errors get extremely small, to an extent that makes me suspect that something must be incorrect.
I was able to recreate the same behavior with sample data.
sysuse auto, clear reg price c.weight#i.foreign i.foreign, robust *This looks reasonable reg price c.weight#i.foreign i.foreign, vce(cluster foreign) *This produces incredibly small standard errors xtset foreign xtreg price c.weight#i.foreign, fe vce(robust) *This returns the same slope coefficients as above, but does not display standard errors at all
What am I doing wrong?