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  • The -mixed- command for multi-level modelling with a binary dependent variable

    Dear all

    I'm working with three level nested data:
    • Individuals, nested within...
    • Nuclear families (their parents and siblings), nested within...
    • Extended families (their uncle/aunt and first cousins)
    My dependent variable is a dummy for whether the individual is married (1=yes), so I have been using the -melogit- command. However, I was wondering whether the following:

    mixed married [explanatory variables] || extendedfamilyid: || nuclearfamilyid:, mle
    Would in effect fit a multi-level linear probability model?

    Many thanks
    Last edited by Owen Wallbanks; 07 Feb 2022, 08:52.

  • #2
    Yes it would, though arguably it is better not to do so since you have -melogit- readily available.


    • #3
      Thank you for your speedy response Leonardo! I was just thinking about consistency. I have two explanatory variables of interest. One is number of siblings which is at the nuclear family level (L=2) and the other is birth order which is at the individual level (L=1). Naturally, you can't control for nuclear family fixed effects and estimate the coefficient on family size, since the two are perfectly correlated which is why I use a multi-level model instead. However, I was also thinking of then using nuclear family fixed effects to hone in on the birth order effect. To do this I would de-mean my variables with respect to nuclear family averages, which would transform my marriage variable from a dummy to a continuous variable ~[0,1], so logistic regression is no longer appropriate. I'm not sure whether this inconsistency is a problem?

      Thanks again

