error message with sta2dta command I have install sta2dta and I have the relevant shape files, but when I run this command I get this error, as if I have the wrong version of shp2dta. Has anyone encountered this?
. shp2dta using "C:\Users\TJoyce\Dropbox\abortion_avail\AR_2017\AR 2021\1data\map
> \tl_2017_us_state.shp", database("usdb") coordinates("uscoord") genid(id) data
> base(usdb) coordinates(uscoord) genid(id)
option database() not allowed
. shp2dta using "C:\Users\TJoyce\Dropbox\abortion_avail\AR_2017\AR 2021\1data\map
> \tl_2017_us_state.shp", database("usdb") coordinates("uscoord") genid(id) data
> base(usdb) coordinates(uscoord) genid(id)
option database() not allowed