Hello. I have quite a large dataset. Difficult and impractical to post a sample using dataex to get anything meaningful at this stage.
Essentially, I have firm-level investment data in foreign countries: Panel data, triple-indexed at the firm-target country-year level. Lots of true zeros in this data, with 5000 firms times 150 target countries times 10 years.
I am using ppmlhdfe (Joao Santos Silva, Sergio Correia ) to estimate investment counts at time t as a function of firm-level financial constraints (continuous), target country financial development index (continuous), and institutional distance between firm country and target country, all at time t-1. Problem is the financial constraints even at time t-1 might be endogenous. Hence, I have tried to combine Jeff Wooldridge's Control function approach to instrument the t-1 financial constraints with its t-2 equivalent. Finishing up with David Roodman boottest.
Here are the results:
Signs of coefficients are as expected.
1. Jeff Wooldridge, given the size of the data, the z-stat on vhat is almost likely to always be statistically significant. If my understanding is correct, is the coefficient that I now get on the t-1 financial constraints (-0.798) somehow corrected for endogeneity?
2. David Roodman Joao Santos Silva Sergio Correia am I correctly using boottest after ppmlhdfe? I am getting stuff that I cannot comprehend. See output below.
The z-stat here is close to what the table shows. Good. But the 95% confidence set is certainly problematic, isn't it?
Not sure how to interpret this.
The bigger problem: when I boottest the interaction term between constraints and institutional distance, I get:
The sign now changes. What am I doing wrong here? Perhaps more apt: what am I doing right here, if at all? Btw, I tried the 999 replications, but it seems that I would need a computer with more than 96GB Ram to run that with my data.
Essentially, I have firm-level investment data in foreign countries: Panel data, triple-indexed at the firm-target country-year level. Lots of true zeros in this data, with 5000 firms times 150 target countries times 10 years.
I am using ppmlhdfe (Joao Santos Silva, Sergio Correia ) to estimate investment counts at time t as a function of firm-level financial constraints (continuous), target country financial development index (continuous), and institutional distance between firm country and target country, all at time t-1. Problem is the financial constraints even at time t-1 might be endogenous. Hence, I have tried to combine Jeff Wooldridge's Control function approach to instrument the t-1 financial constraints with its t-2 equivalent. Finishing up with David Roodman boottest.
reg constraints_t1 constraints_t2, vce(bootstrap, seed(1234) reps(500)) predict vhat, residuals eststo: ppmlhdfe investment_count c.constraints_t1##c.inst_dist c.vhat##c.inst_dist financialdev i.home_country, vce(cluster firm_targetcountry) absorb(industry_year_fixed_effect) estadd local cmd = "reghdfe", replace estadd scalar converged=., replace boottest constraints_t1, nograph reps(100)
Variable | Coef. | Std | Z | LCI | UCI |
Constraints | -0.798 | 0.025 | -31.93 | -0.85 | -0.75 |
Financial Dev. | 0.520 | 0.023 | 22.20 | 0.47 | 0.57 |
Institutional Distance | -0.369 | 0.020 | -18.46 | -0.41 | -0.33 |
Interaction: Constraints X Institutional Distance | -0.208 | 0.019 | -11.07 | -0.24 | -0.17 |
vhat | 0.267 | 0.038 | 7.05 | 0.19 | 0.34 |
Interaction: vhat X Institutional Distance | 0.102 | 0.030 | 3.38 | 0.04 | 0.16 |
1. Jeff Wooldridge, given the size of the data, the z-stat on vhat is almost likely to always be statistically significant. If my understanding is correct, is the coefficient that I now get on the t-1 financial constraints (-0.798) somehow corrected for endogeneity?
2. David Roodman Joao Santos Silva Sergio Correia am I correctly using boottest after ppmlhdfe? I am getting stuff that I cannot comprehend. See output below.
HTML Code:
boottest constraints_t1, nograph reps(100) Wild bootstrap-t, null imposed, 100 replications, Wald test, bootstrap clustering by pair, Rademacher weights: z = -29.1569 Prob>|z| = 0.0000 95% confidence set for null hypothesis expression: [-.0008602, -.0007525]
Not sure how to interpret this.
The bigger problem: when I boottest the interaction term between constraints and institutional distance, I get:
HTML Code:
Wild bootstrap-t, null imposed, 100 replications, Wald test, bootstrap clustering by pair, Rademacher weights: z = 14.2234 Prob>|z| = 0.0000 95% confidence set for null hypothesis expression: [.0003346, .0004338]