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  • Using Tabstat to Display Summary Stats in Coefplot

    Linked to a query I asked yesterday, I decided to forego the meta-analysis route and use the simple average of treatment effects. When I try and run my new code, I only get one coefficient plotted. Here's my dataset and code. Note that I use the user written distinct, coefplot, and tabstatmat, which I include the code to install them should you not have them.
    * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
    input int Year long id float(diff_ te_lb_ te_ub_) double cf_ float relative_ str17 id2
    2003 13 -3368.3206 -4512.5894 -2224.0518  5182.125571428572 -7 "Berlin-Sch"
    2004 13 -1746.3706 -2890.6394  -602.1019  5182.125571428572 -6 "Berlin-Sch"
    2005 13  -61.56657 -1205.8353  1082.7021  5182.125571428572 -5 "Berlin-Sch"
    2006 13   909.8405 -234.42825  2054.1091  5182.125571428572 -4 "Berlin-Sch"
    2007 13  1166.1074   21.83872  2310.3762  5182.125571428572 -3 "Berlin-Sch"
    2008 13  1469.0585   324.7898   2613.327  5182.125571428572 -2 "Berlin-Sch"
    2009 13  1631.2515   486.9828    2775.52  5182.125571428572 -1 "Berlin-Sch"
    2010 13  2139.8635   995.5948   3284.132  5182.125571428572  0 "Berlin-Sch"
    2011 13  1945.0624   800.7937   3089.331  5182.125571428572  1 "Berlin-Sch"
    2012 13  1929.8124   785.5437   3074.081  5182.125571428572  2 "Berlin-Sch"
    2013 13  1559.2465  414.97775   2703.515  5182.125571428572  3 "Berlin-Sch"
    2014 13  2115.3125   971.0438   3259.581  5182.125571428572  4 "Berlin-Sch"
    2015 13  3348.3635  2204.0947  4492.6323  5182.125571428572  5 "Berlin-Sch"
    2003 14 -17.596174 -2291.8364   2256.644   11167.7911747892 -7 "Berlin-Teg"
    2004 14 -71.779205 -2346.0193   2202.461 11155.499202925053 -6 "Berlin-Teg"
    2005 14 -12.326933 -2286.5671  2261.9133  11578.18493246791 -5 "Berlin-Teg"
    2006 14 -22.442225 -2296.6824  2251.7979 11859.192225124858 -4 "Berlin-Teg"
    2007 14   42.16394 -2232.0762   2316.404 13325.768059737678 -3 "Berlin-Teg"
    2008 14    54.4165 -2219.8237  2328.6567 14445.473496454233 -2 "Berlin-Teg"
    2009 14   27.56409  -2246.676  2301.8042 14172.973908501066 -1 "Berlin-Teg"
    2010 14   462.8938 -1811.3464   2737.134 14594.594199177489  0 "Berlin-Teg"
    2011 14  2222.3154  -51.92476  4496.5557 14712.518640579834  1 "Berlin-Teg"
    2012 14   3389.439   1115.199   5663.679 14780.198704235157  2 "Berlin-Teg"
    2013 14  4477.0166  2202.7764   6751.257 15118.534518469274  3 "Berlin-Teg"
    2014 14   5471.214   3196.974   7745.455 15223.320600748859  4 "Berlin-Teg"
    2015 14   6099.445  3825.2046   8373.685 14903.533373143386  5 "Berlin-Teg"
    2003 20 -2.3517873   -228.185   223.4814 1602.9607872116499 -7 "Bremen"    
    2004 20 -11.124884 -236.95807   214.7083 1648.3888840234827 -6 "Bremen"    
    2005 20   2.026804  -223.8064     227.86 1707.9801960079526 -5 "Bremen"    
    2006 20 -20.499905  -246.3331   205.3333 1698.1239037273085 -4 "Bremen"    
    2007 20  13.111323 -212.72186   238.9445 2206.3736770960195 -3 "Bremen"    
    2008 20   5.189031 -220.64417   231.0222  2471.519969283851 -2 "Bremen"    
    2009 20  13.649417 -212.18378   239.4826 2421.4725826497356 -1 "Bremen"    
    2010 20  -77.12698 -302.96017   148.7062 2734.4119868367616  0 "Bremen"    
    2011 20  -273.4868    -499.32  -47.65359  2826.118778758761  1 "Bremen"    
    2012 20  -499.3661  -725.1993 -273.53287 2941.3030591834136  2 "Bremen"    
    2013 20  -568.0962  -793.9294   -342.263  3173.690169805002  3 "Bremen"    
    2014 20   -806.099 -1031.9323  -580.2658  3573.827007438604  4 "Bremen"    
    2015 20  -3.744276 -229.57747   222.0889 2661.3572758678038  5 "Bremen"    
    2003 26  -55.58367 -1095.3663    984.199 2078.8736662910887 -7 "Charleroi" 
    2004 26 -28.888126 -1068.6708  1010.8945 2052.1781265967475 -6 "Charleroi" 
    2005 26  -96.20045  -1135.983   943.5822 1959.4154523721095 -5 "Charleroi" 
    2006 26  -56.76433  -1096.547   983.0183 2211.3473308617517 -4 "Charleroi" 
    2007 26  37.098186 -1002.6844  1076.8809  2406.085812333945 -3 "Charleroi" 
    2008 26   55.20294  -984.5797  1094.9856  2889.122062891687 -2 "Charleroi" 
    2009 26  145.13545  -894.6472  1184.9181  3775.032548652671 -1 "Charleroi" 
    2010 26  1552.1245  512.34186   2591.907  3628.582536103094  0 "Charleroi" 
    2011 26  2137.1313  1097.3488   3176.914 3746.6797013076707  1 "Charleroi" 
    2012 26  2353.0037   1313.221  3392.7864 4154.4533261728575  2 "Charleroi" 
    2013 26  1965.8728   926.0901  3005.6555  4812.593172521729  3 "Charleroi" 
    2014 26   1467.222   427.4395   2507.005  4962.462777682557  4 "Charleroi" 
    2015 26  1979.4617    939.679  3019.2444  4967.905307814248  5 "Charleroi" 
    2003 29  -38.91276 -149.88506   72.05954 1062.2417593199111 -7 "Dortmund"  
    2004 29   -59.6762  -170.6485    51.2961 1196.9691957924997 -6 "Dortmund"  
    2005 29   3.620633 -107.35167  114.59293 1700.3963670135172 -5 "Dortmund"  
    2006 29   25.32081  -85.65149   136.2931 1955.3471906556097 -4 "Dortmund"  
    2007 29  16.784462  -94.18784  127.75676  2096.243538878761 -3 "Dortmund"  
    2008 29   55.13542  -55.83688   166.1077   2252.30458029289 -2 "Dortmund"  
    2009 29  -2.272368 -113.24467  108.69994  1709.740368046811 -1 "Dortmund"  
    2010 29  -85.78138  -196.7537   25.19092  1836.412377506224  0 "Dortmund"  
    2011 29  -230.2844  -341.2567  -119.3121 2055.8643870445467  1 "Dortmund"  
    2012 29  -87.45404 -198.42635   23.51826  1991.128041960525  2 "Dortmund"  
    2013 29  -115.5751  -226.5474  -4.602796 2038.2660966134827  3 "Dortmund"  
    2014 29  -310.1897   -421.162 -199.21736  2267.998662034795  4 "Dortmund"  
    2015 29  -313.3759  -424.3481 -202.40355 2288.0858410440537  5 "Dortmund"  
    2003 30  -24.08678 -24.534933  -23.63863 1623.6517831290585 -7 "Dresden"   
    2004 30  -19.88877  -20.33692 -19.440617 1684.2427673176328 -6 "Dresden"   
    2005 30   6.369642   5.921491   6.817793 1813.6443579518448 -5 "Dresden"   
    2006 30   8.377583   7.929431   8.825734 1866.6124175526952 -4 "Dresden"   
    2007 30   16.81497   16.36682   17.26312 1871.2760302006793 -3 "Dresden"   
    2008 30  17.365341   16.91719  17.813492 1871.4126582070253 -2 "Dresden"   
    2009 30  -4.951986  -5.400137 -4.5038347 1755.4549856410654 -1 "Dresden"   
    2010 30   127.6259  127.17775  128.07405 1753.7391030772287  0 "Dresden"   
    2011 30  130.40588  129.95773  130.85403  1801.440118010775  1 "Dresden"   
    2012 30   106.0393  105.59114  106.48744 1794.6027097656156  2 "Dresden"   
    2013 30  -46.68348  -47.13163  -46.23532  1809.718476786496  3 "Dresden"   
    2014 30  -70.30171  -70.74986  -69.85356 1839.7567113986884  4 "Dresden"   
    2015 30 -115.19188 -115.64003 -114.74373  1841.367876212788  5 "Dresden"   
    2003 31  -67.97996  -589.7357   453.7758 14193.423958572419 -7 "Dusseldorf"
    2004 31 -13.094735 -534.85046    508.661 15106.496735588189 -6 "Dusseldorf"
    2005 31  -52.85564  -574.6114   468.9001 15445.557645145764 -5 "Dusseldorf"
    2006 31  .52006716 -521.23566   522.2758 16510.372932836595 -4 "Dusseldorf"
    2007 31  34.104366  -487.6514   555.8601 17748.068633450242 -3 "Dusseldorf"
    2008 31   63.89149  -457.8643   585.6472 18040.496512975365 -2 "Dusseldorf"
    2009 31  35.414417  -486.3413  557.17017  17690.72658143142 -1 "Dusseldorf"
    2010 31   731.5831   209.8274   1253.339  18178.11988091303  0 "Dusseldorf"
    2011 31  1633.2177  1111.4619  2154.9734 18665.752398752622  1 "Dusseldorf"
    2012 31   1604.842  1083.0864   2126.598 19195.221877165117  2 "Dusseldorf"
    2013 31   1605.985  1084.2294   2127.741  19590.37593700064  3 "Dusseldorf"
    2014 31   463.9277  -57.82802   985.6835 21353.032277202972  4 "Dusseldorf"
    2015 31  -338.8702   -860.626   182.8855 22787.085252026827  5 "Dusseldorf"
    2003 35  -50.87827 -1300.0736   1198.317 2385.6392729253243 -7 "Frankfurt" 
    2004 35  -35.44301 -1284.6383  1213.7523  2776.015006711667 -6 "Frankfurt" 
    2005 35 -32.307198 -1281.5024  1216.8881  3032.723197229319 -5 "Frankfurt" 
    2006 35  18.691252  -1230.504  1267.8865  3672.221748043358 -4 "Frankfurt" 
    2007 35   44.18363 -1205.0116   1293.379 4028.3373713769947 -3 "Frankfurt" 
    2008 35  23.926146  -1225.269  1273.1215  3888.921855341137 -2 "Frankfurt" 
    2009 35   31.82745 -1217.3678  1281.0227 3719.6495483722006 -1 "Frankfurt" 
    2010 35  -456.0636  -1705.259   793.1317 3930.0196112707877  0 "Frankfurt" 
    2011 35   -1864.72  -3113.915  -615.5246  4810.318869873561  1 "Frankfurt" 
    format %ty Year
    label values id Airport
    label def Airport 13 "Berlin-Sch", modify
    label def Airport 14 "Berlin-Teg", modify
    label def Airport 20 "Bremen", modify
    label def Airport 26 "Charleroi", modify
    label def Airport 29 "Dortmund", modify
    label def Airport 30 "Dresden", modify
    label def Airport 31 "Dusseldorf", modify
    label def Airport 35 "Frankfurt", modify
    foreach v in tabstatmat distinct coefplot {
    cap which `v'
    if _rc {
        ssc inst `v', replace
    qui tabstat diff_ te_lb_ te_ub_ if rel >= 0, stat(mean)  by(id2) save
    tabstatmat Z
    mat colnames Z = ES LB UB 
    qui levelsof id2, l(unit_names)
    mat rownames Z = `unit_names' Overall
    mat l Z
    qui distinct id
    loc last =r(ndistinct)+1
    loc ATT: di %6.4g Z[`last',1]
    di `ATT'
    coefplot matrix(Z[,1]), ci((2 3)) xline(1)
    And while it looks nice, I want to present the rest of the matrix Z, too. How might I solve this?

  • #2
    Jared Greathouse can you show the result of

    svmat Z


    • #3
      Andrew Musau Indeed I can. Here it is, in context of my example data.
      * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
      input int Year long id float(diff_ te_lb_ te_ub_) double cf_ float relative_ str17 id2
      2003 13 -3368.3206 -4512.5894 -2224.0518  5182.125571428572 -7 "Berlin-Sch"
      2004 13 -1746.3706 -2890.6394  -602.1019  5182.125571428572 -6 "Berlin-Sch"
      2005 13  -61.56657 -1205.8353  1082.7021  5182.125571428572 -5 "Berlin-Sch"
      2006 13   909.8405 -234.42825  2054.1091  5182.125571428572 -4 "Berlin-Sch"
      2007 13  1166.1074   21.83872  2310.3762  5182.125571428572 -3 "Berlin-Sch"
      2008 13  1469.0585   324.7898   2613.327  5182.125571428572 -2 "Berlin-Sch"
      2009 13  1631.2515   486.9828    2775.52  5182.125571428572 -1 "Berlin-Sch"
      2010 13  2139.8635   995.5948   3284.132  5182.125571428572  0 "Berlin-Sch"
      2011 13  1945.0624   800.7937   3089.331  5182.125571428572  1 "Berlin-Sch"
      2012 13  1929.8124   785.5437   3074.081  5182.125571428572  2 "Berlin-Sch"
      2013 13  1559.2465  414.97775   2703.515  5182.125571428572  3 "Berlin-Sch"
      2014 13  2115.3125   971.0438   3259.581  5182.125571428572  4 "Berlin-Sch"
      2015 13  3348.3635  2204.0947  4492.6323  5182.125571428572  5 "Berlin-Sch"
      2003 14 -17.596174 -2291.8364   2256.644   11167.7911747892 -7 "Berlin-Teg"
      2004 14 -71.779205 -2346.0193   2202.461 11155.499202925053 -6 "Berlin-Teg"
      2005 14 -12.326933 -2286.5671  2261.9133  11578.18493246791 -5 "Berlin-Teg"
      2006 14 -22.442225 -2296.6824  2251.7979 11859.192225124858 -4 "Berlin-Teg"
      2007 14   42.16394 -2232.0762   2316.404 13325.768059737678 -3 "Berlin-Teg"
      2008 14    54.4165 -2219.8237  2328.6567 14445.473496454233 -2 "Berlin-Teg"
      2009 14   27.56409  -2246.676  2301.8042 14172.973908501066 -1 "Berlin-Teg"
      2010 14   462.8938 -1811.3464   2737.134 14594.594199177489  0 "Berlin-Teg"
      2011 14  2222.3154  -51.92476  4496.5557 14712.518640579834  1 "Berlin-Teg"
      2012 14   3389.439   1115.199   5663.679 14780.198704235157  2 "Berlin-Teg"
      2013 14  4477.0166  2202.7764   6751.257 15118.534518469274  3 "Berlin-Teg"
      2014 14   5471.214   3196.974   7745.455 15223.320600748859  4 "Berlin-Teg"
      2015 14   6099.445  3825.2046   8373.685 14903.533373143386  5 "Berlin-Teg"
      2003 20 -2.3517873   -228.185   223.4814 1602.9607872116499 -7 "Bremen"    
      2004 20 -11.124884 -236.95807   214.7083 1648.3888840234827 -6 "Bremen"    
      2005 20   2.026804  -223.8064     227.86 1707.9801960079526 -5 "Bremen"    
      2006 20 -20.499905  -246.3331   205.3333 1698.1239037273085 -4 "Bremen"    
      2007 20  13.111323 -212.72186   238.9445 2206.3736770960195 -3 "Bremen"    
      2008 20   5.189031 -220.64417   231.0222  2471.519969283851 -2 "Bremen"    
      2009 20  13.649417 -212.18378   239.4826 2421.4725826497356 -1 "Bremen"    
      2010 20  -77.12698 -302.96017   148.7062 2734.4119868367616  0 "Bremen"    
      2011 20  -273.4868    -499.32  -47.65359  2826.118778758761  1 "Bremen"    
      2012 20  -499.3661  -725.1993 -273.53287 2941.3030591834136  2 "Bremen"    
      2013 20  -568.0962  -793.9294   -342.263  3173.690169805002  3 "Bremen"    
      2014 20   -806.099 -1031.9323  -580.2658  3573.827007438604  4 "Bremen"    
      2015 20  -3.744276 -229.57747   222.0889 2661.3572758678038  5 "Bremen"    
      2003 26  -55.58367 -1095.3663    984.199 2078.8736662910887 -7 "Charleroi"
      2004 26 -28.888126 -1068.6708  1010.8945 2052.1781265967475 -6 "Charleroi"
      2005 26  -96.20045  -1135.983   943.5822 1959.4154523721095 -5 "Charleroi"
      2006 26  -56.76433  -1096.547   983.0183 2211.3473308617517 -4 "Charleroi"
      2007 26  37.098186 -1002.6844  1076.8809  2406.085812333945 -3 "Charleroi"
      2008 26   55.20294  -984.5797  1094.9856  2889.122062891687 -2 "Charleroi"
      2009 26  145.13545  -894.6472  1184.9181  3775.032548652671 -1 "Charleroi"
      2010 26  1552.1245  512.34186   2591.907  3628.582536103094  0 "Charleroi"
      2011 26  2137.1313  1097.3488   3176.914 3746.6797013076707  1 "Charleroi"
      2012 26  2353.0037   1313.221  3392.7864 4154.4533261728575  2 "Charleroi"
      2013 26  1965.8728   926.0901  3005.6555  4812.593172521729  3 "Charleroi"
      2014 26   1467.222   427.4395   2507.005  4962.462777682557  4 "Charleroi"
      2015 26  1979.4617    939.679  3019.2444  4967.905307814248  5 "Charleroi"
      2003 29  -38.91276 -149.88506   72.05954 1062.2417593199111 -7 "Dortmund"  
      2004 29   -59.6762  -170.6485    51.2961 1196.9691957924997 -6 "Dortmund"  
      2005 29   3.620633 -107.35167  114.59293 1700.3963670135172 -5 "Dortmund"  
      2006 29   25.32081  -85.65149   136.2931 1955.3471906556097 -4 "Dortmund"  
      2007 29  16.784462  -94.18784  127.75676  2096.243538878761 -3 "Dortmund"  
      2008 29   55.13542  -55.83688   166.1077   2252.30458029289 -2 "Dortmund"  
      2009 29  -2.272368 -113.24467  108.69994  1709.740368046811 -1 "Dortmund"  
      2010 29  -85.78138  -196.7537   25.19092  1836.412377506224  0 "Dortmund"  
      2011 29  -230.2844  -341.2567  -119.3121 2055.8643870445467  1 "Dortmund"  
      2012 29  -87.45404 -198.42635   23.51826  1991.128041960525  2 "Dortmund"  
      2013 29  -115.5751  -226.5474  -4.602796 2038.2660966134827  3 "Dortmund"  
      2014 29  -310.1897   -421.162 -199.21736  2267.998662034795  4 "Dortmund"  
      2015 29  -313.3759  -424.3481 -202.40355 2288.0858410440537  5 "Dortmund"  
      2003 30  -24.08678 -24.534933  -23.63863 1623.6517831290585 -7 "Dresden"  
      2004 30  -19.88877  -20.33692 -19.440617 1684.2427673176328 -6 "Dresden"  
      2005 30   6.369642   5.921491   6.817793 1813.6443579518448 -5 "Dresden"  
      2006 30   8.377583   7.929431   8.825734 1866.6124175526952 -4 "Dresden"  
      2007 30   16.81497   16.36682   17.26312 1871.2760302006793 -3 "Dresden"  
      2008 30  17.365341   16.91719  17.813492 1871.4126582070253 -2 "Dresden"  
      2009 30  -4.951986  -5.400137 -4.5038347 1755.4549856410654 -1 "Dresden"  
      2010 30   127.6259  127.17775  128.07405 1753.7391030772287  0 "Dresden"  
      2011 30  130.40588  129.95773  130.85403  1801.440118010775  1 "Dresden"  
      2012 30   106.0393  105.59114  106.48744 1794.6027097656156  2 "Dresden"  
      2013 30  -46.68348  -47.13163  -46.23532  1809.718476786496  3 "Dresden"  
      2014 30  -70.30171  -70.74986  -69.85356 1839.7567113986884  4 "Dresden"  
      2015 30 -115.19188 -115.64003 -114.74373  1841.367876212788  5 "Dresden"  
      2003 31  -67.97996  -589.7357   453.7758 14193.423958572419 -7 "Dusseldorf"
      2004 31 -13.094735 -534.85046    508.661 15106.496735588189 -6 "Dusseldorf"
      2005 31  -52.85564  -574.6114   468.9001 15445.557645145764 -5 "Dusseldorf"
      2006 31  .52006716 -521.23566   522.2758 16510.372932836595 -4 "Dusseldorf"
      2007 31  34.104366  -487.6514   555.8601 17748.068633450242 -3 "Dusseldorf"
      2008 31   63.89149  -457.8643   585.6472 18040.496512975365 -2 "Dusseldorf"
      2009 31  35.414417  -486.3413  557.17017  17690.72658143142 -1 "Dusseldorf"
      2010 31   731.5831   209.8274   1253.339  18178.11988091303  0 "Dusseldorf"
      2011 31  1633.2177  1111.4619  2154.9734 18665.752398752622  1 "Dusseldorf"
      2012 31   1604.842  1083.0864   2126.598 19195.221877165117  2 "Dusseldorf"
      2013 31   1605.985  1084.2294   2127.741  19590.37593700064  3 "Dusseldorf"
      2014 31   463.9277  -57.82802   985.6835 21353.032277202972  4 "Dusseldorf"
      2015 31  -338.8702   -860.626   182.8855 22787.085252026827  5 "Dusseldorf"
      2003 35  -50.87827 -1300.0736   1198.317 2385.6392729253243 -7 "Frankfurt"
      2004 35  -35.44301 -1284.6383  1213.7523  2776.015006711667 -6 "Frankfurt"
      2005 35 -32.307198 -1281.5024  1216.8881  3032.723197229319 -5 "Frankfurt"
      2006 35  18.691252  -1230.504  1267.8865  3672.221748043358 -4 "Frankfurt"
      2007 35   44.18363 -1205.0116   1293.379 4028.3373713769947 -3 "Frankfurt"
      2008 35  23.926146  -1225.269  1273.1215  3888.921855341137 -2 "Frankfurt"
      2009 35   31.82745 -1217.3678  1281.0227 3719.6495483722006 -1 "Frankfurt"
      2010 35  -456.0636  -1705.259   793.1317 3930.0196112707877  0 "Frankfurt"
      2011 35   -1864.72  -3113.915  -615.5246  4810.318869873561  1 "Frankfurt"
      format %ty Year
      label values id Airport
      label def Airport 13 "Berlin-Sch", modify
      label def Airport 14 "Berlin-Teg", modify
      label def Airport 20 "Bremen", modify
      label def Airport 26 "Charleroi", modify
      label def Airport 29 "Dortmund", modify
      label def Airport 30 "Dresden", modify
      label def Airport 31 "Dusseldorf", modify
      label def Airport 35 "Frankfurt", modify
      foreach v in tabstatmat distinct coefplot {
      cap which `v'
      if _rc {
          ssc inst `v', replace
      qui tabstat diff_ te_lb_ te_ub_ if rel >= 0, stat(mean)  by(id2) save
      tabstatmat Z
      * Requested
      svmat Z

      EDIT: Forgot to post the result

      * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
      input float(Z1 Z2 Z3)
       2172.9434 1028.6748  3317.212
        3687.054  1412.814  5961.294
       -371.3199 -597.1531 -145.4867
        1909.136  869.3534  2948.919
       -190.4434 -301.4157 -79.47111
       21.982336 21.534184 22.430487
        950.1142  428.3585   1471.87
      -1160.3918 -2409.587  88.80356
       1062.6367 280.76865  1844.505


      • #4
        Thanks Jared. You just need to transpose the matrix.

        * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
        input float(Z1 Z2 Z3)
         2172.9434 1028.6748  3317.212
          3687.054  1412.814  5961.294
         -371.3199 -597.1531 -145.4867
          1909.136  869.3534  2948.919
         -190.4434 -301.4157 -79.47111
         21.982336 21.534184 22.430487
          950.1142  428.3585   1471.87
        -1160.3918 -2409.587  88.80356
         1062.6367 280.76865  1844.505
        mkmat Z*, mat(Z)
        mat Z= Z'
        coefplot matrix(Z), ci((Z[2] Z[3]))
        Click image for larger version

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        • #5
          Andrew Musau Took a little re-tooling to get it to work in the context of my ado file, but this does the job, thanks so much!

