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  • Extracting random intercepts and slopes from mixed effects model run on multiply imputed data

    Good morning! I am trying to extract random slopes and intercepts from a mixed effects model (of participants with cognition scores measured over time) run on multiply imputed data, but can't get Stata to do it. I am running ver 16.1 on an institutional server that does allow me to install user-created packages.

    I tried this way but got an error:
    .  mi estimate, saving(miest,replace): mixed depvar indepvars || id: timeyrs, vce(cluster clustervar)
    <<bunch of expected model output>>
    .  mi predict randeffects using miest, reffects
    option reffects not allowed
    One prior post had suggested using mi xeq to run the model sequentially on each imputed dataset, but:

    I tried this and got an error after a reasonable calculation time (i.e., it probably ran the model but failed at the "saving" step):
    .  mi xeq 0: mixed depvar indepvars || id: timeyrs,  vce(cluster clustervar) saving(miest0)
    option saving() not allowed
    And, in case that's the wrong place for saving(), I tried putting it elsewhere but it errored out immediately:
    .  mi xeq 0, saving(miest0): mixed depvar indepvars || id: timeyrs,  vce(cluster clustervar) 
    invalid numlist
    Code that works to get these values OUTSIDE the mi environment (i.e., on non-imputed data):
    .  mixed depvar indepvars || id: timeyrs, vce(cluster clustervar)
    .  predict u*, reffects
    .  gen intercept = _b[_cons] + u1
    .  gen slope = _b[timeyrs] + u2
    It sounds like others have had this problem -- e.g.,
    This thread from 2013:
    And this one from 2016:

    Does anyone know of a workaround for this, or have any other suggestions? Thank you in advance for any help.

  • #2
    With the caveat that I have never used the -mi- commands, looking that the syntax for -mi xeq-, this appears to work:

    webuse mjsps5
    forv i = 1/5 {
        qui mi xeq  `i': mixed math5 math3 || school: ; /// 
            predict re_hat`i', reffects;  /// 
            save re_hat`i',replace
    use re_hat1,clear
    forv i = 2/5 {
        qui merge 1:1 _n using re_hat`i', nogenerate
    sum re_hat*


    • #3
      Scott Merryman thank you for your response! I finally got a chance to test it.

      Trying to predict after running the mixed model using that code yielded

      predict, reffects requires that the data used in estimation be in memory

      and adding "saving" was, uh, politely declined as above, but I borrowed your loop code (which, thank you for that - loops are my bugbear!) and used mi extract instead:
      use "mi_dataset.dta", clear
      gen obs = _n
      save "mi_dataset.dta", replace
      forvalues i = 0/25 {
          use "mi_dataset.dta", clear
          mi extract `i'
          gen whichmi = `i'
          qui mixed depvar indepvars || id: timeyrs, vce(cluster clustervar) 
          predict randeffect`i'_*, reffects
          keep newid obs whichmi randeffect`i'_*
          save miest`i', replace
      use miest0, clear
      forvalues i = 1/25 {
          qui merge 1:1 obs using miest`i', nogenerate
      gen intercept=.
      gen slope=.
      forvalues i = 0/25 {
          replace intercept = randeffect`i'_2 if whichmi==`i'
          replace slope = randeffectt`i'_1 if whichmi==`i'
      keep id obs whichmi intercept slope
      save randeffects, replace
      use "mi_dataset.dta", clear
      merge 1:1 obs using "randeffects.dta"
      That way, the whichmi variable serves as a check that the slope and intercept value is matched with the correct _mi_m - I am a little nervous matching on obs (rather than id - I think I could have created a new id variable and used that as a second-line check but this whole thing takes over an hour to run and I didn't want to redo it before posting since I had no suspicion of any nefarious mismatching...

      So, thank you! I hope I will not find any issues working with this dataset from here, and I'm really grateful for the help!


      • #4
        Liz Whitlock

        I am glad you found a solution.

        The syntax for -mi xeq- indicates that multiple commands are on one-line separated by semi-colons, not separate commands on separate lines.
                mi xeq [numlist]:  command [; command [; ...]]
        It appears that both return the same predicted random effects:
        . webuse mjsps5,clear
        (LEA Junior School Project data (Mortimore et al., 1988) with missing values)
        . mi xeq 0: qui mixed math5 math3 || school: ;  ///
        >         predict randomeffects , reffects ; /// 
        >         sum randomeffect
        m=0 data:
        -> qui mixed math5 math3 || school:
        -> predict randomeffects , reffects
        -> sum randomeffect
            Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
        randomeffe~s |        887   -.0061503    1.468736  -3.344107   2.764939
        . webuse mjsps5,clear
        (LEA Junior School Project data (Mortimore et al., 1988) with missing values)
        . mi extract 0
        . qui mixed math5 math3 || school:
        . predict randomeffects, reffects
        . sum randomeffects
            Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
        randomeffe~s |        887   -.0061503    1.468736  -3.344107   2.764939


        • #5
          Aha - i had missed that, thanks so much for calling my attention to it. I bet I will be able to use mi xeq, then; it seems more elegant than extract. Really appreciate your help & that note of clarification

