Hello everyone,
I know I have to omit one of my dummy variables, however I struggle to know which code I have to use.
These are my commands:
So my question is how can I create a regression for the second dummy medium dev in this case?
I know I have to omit one of my dummy variables, however I struggle to know which code I have to use.
These are my commands:
label define LMH 1 "Low" 2 "Medium" 3 "High" gen built_level:LMH = 1 if Built_area < 18.27 replace built_level = 3 if Built_area > 25.981 & !missing(Built_area) replace built_level = 2 if missing(Built_area) & !missing(Built_area) label define ALMH 1 "Low" 2 "Medium" 3 "High" gen agri_level:LMH = 1 if Agri_area < 48.90 replace agri_level = 3 if Agri_area > 54.75 & !missing(Agri_area) replace agri_level = 2 if missing(Agri_area) & !missing(Agri_area) label define NLMH 1 "Low" 2 "Medium" 3 "High" gen natural_level:LMH = 1 if NaturalForest_area < 7.3 replace natural_level = 3 if NaturalForest_area > 15.82 & !missing(NaturalForest_area) replace natural_level = 2 if missing(NaturalForest_area) & !missing(NaturalForest_area) gen low_dev = (built_level==1 & agri_level==3 & natural_level==3) gen high_dev = (built_level==3 & agri_level==1 & natural_level==1) //low dev panel regression xtreg log_realHP logReal_income real_interest Unemployment_rate logrealconsind i.low_dev i.Year,fe cluster(GM_code) noomitted //high dev panel regression xtreg log_realHP logReal_income real_interest Unemployment_rate logrealconsind i.high_dev i.Year,fe cluster(GM_code) noomitted