Hallo everybody,
I am using STATA 17 and I have a problem using the user-written eventdd command.
Somehow when I try to implement a panel event study in my output leads are named lags and vice versa.
This e.g. happens when I try to replicate the example provided by Clarke and Tapia-Schythe (2020)1.
When running the following code
accoding to the authos the coef. for lag21 should be -22.92073 . In my output this is the coef. for lead 21. Somehow all leads are called lags and all lags are called leads.
Does anyone know why this happens? I am relatively new to STATA. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
All the best,
1Clarke, Damian; Tapia-Schythe, Kathya (2020): Implementing the Panel Event Study. IZA Discussion Paper Series (13524).
I am using STATA 17 and I have a problem using the user-written eventdd command.
Somehow when I try to implement a panel event study in my output leads are named lags and vice versa.
This e.g. happens when I try to replicate the example provided by Clarke and Tapia-Schythe (2020)1.
When running the following code
webuse set www.damianclarke.net/stata/ webuse bacon_example.dta, clear gen timeToTreat = year - _nfd eventdd asmrs pcinc asmrh cases i.year i.stfips, timevar(timeToTreat) ci(rcap) cluster(stfips) graph_op(ytitle("Suicides per 1m Women") xlabel(-20(5)25))
Does anyone know why this happens? I am relatively new to STATA. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
All the best,
1Clarke, Damian; Tapia-Schythe, Kathya (2020): Implementing the Panel Event Study. IZA Discussion Paper Series (13524).