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  • Gravity model for imports


    I am new to STATA and I am having some problems in estimating a fixed effects gravity model estimation of my data. I have a 3 dimension panel data with importer, exporter and year specification for 10 years and single commodity imports data from 13 countries with each other(13X12X10 observations). My dependent variables vary according to the country pair & Year (Ex. Exchng), Year (GDP, IND_imp, IND_exp) and just by country pair(Ex. COMMBOR). My data looks like this:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-02-04 125459.png
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ID:	1648298

    I am interested in finding a gravity model that describes importer-exporter relation and total commodity demand of the importer country. How should I describe my panel data using xtset command? or Should I just do normal reg with importer, exporter and Year dummies?
    Thank you in advance.

    Kind Regards,
    Tan Shar
    Last edited by Tan Shar; 04 Feb 2022, 01:39.