Tried to understand your code, but not sure what is it you are trying to do.
Normally, for bootstrap, you estimate your N models, obtain the coefficients, do your process, and drop the estimation altogether (except for the coefficients).
that being said. Im not sure you want to store your coefficients in memory, so perhaps an alternative option is to "save" your equations into ster files. Which you can later restore to do any process you wanted to do.
then if you want to do something with a particular equation:
Perhaps this will work. It will just create 600 new files on your working directory with the results of ALL your probits
Normally, for bootstrap, you estimate your N models, obtain the coefficients, do your process, and drop the estimation altogether (except for the coefficients).
that being said. Im not sure you want to store your coefficients in memory, so perhaps an alternative option is to "save" your equations into ster files. Which you can later restore to do any process you wanted to do.
forval i=1/300 { use sortedUzb.dta, clear bsample 1477 qui probit owns_dwelling male age_group high_ed married divorced separated widowed log_monspending hh_size capital estimates save Uzb`i', replace qui probit owns_dwelling male age_group high_ed married divorced separated widowed log_monspending hh_size capital gen_trust estimates save UzbT`i', replace }
est use Uzb1, Some code est use Uzb2, some code. Etc