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  • Rdplot graph combining


    I am running the rdplot command and I would like to combine different graphs in one graph. Namely, these are my commands

    rdplot sec_sch rv1 if west_rural==1, p(2)

    rdplot sec_sch rv1 if west_urban==1, p(2)

    and I would like to combine the results of west urban and west rural regions in one graph. How can I do that?
    Thanks in advance

  • #2
    help graph combine
    Maarten L. Buis
    University of Konstanz
    Department of history and sociology
    box 40
    78457 Konstanz


    • #3
      Originally posted by Maarten Buis View Post
      help graph combine
      Thank you. But I couldn't find a way to put two graphs into one graph with that command.

      rdplot sec_sch rv1 if west_rural==1, p(2)
      graph save sec_sch_west_ruralp2, replace

      rdplot sec_sch rv1 if west_rural==1, p(1)
      graph save sec_sch_west_ruralp1, replace

      graph combine sec_sch_west_ruralp2.gph sec_sch_west_ruralp1.gph, rows(1) cols(1)

      These are my commands but they produce two different graphs in one picture while what I need is to have one graph, and one with dashed line and the other with solid lines. Is that possible with this command?


      • #4
        graph combine does not allow you to modify the original graphs. You would need to fix line patterns in the original.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Nick Cox View Post
          graph combine does not allow you to modify the original graphs. You would need to fix line patterns in the original.
          How can I change the style and coloring of the lines in rdplot command? Help rdplot doesn't show any options.


          • #6
            the help file shows the following option: " graph_options(gphopts)" and an example of its use is given in the help file; it is possible that more is shown in one of the SJ articles which are cited in the help file and are freely available at the StataCorp website

