Hello, I am running the regression among various dependent variables (I work on panel data), and I want to save the t value and std and beta to estimate the confidence band. But when I do this, just I get the results of firts dependent variable . I try to do a loop in the t value and std and beta. This is the smooth transition approach of Jorda`.
However, I want to calculate one times in terms of "GDPgrowth_h_dumrec_sm" and "GDPgrowth_l_dumrec_sm" , which represent the high and low value of interaction term.
Thank you so much in advance for your valuable time and advice.
best regards,
However, I want to calculate one times in terms of "GDPgrowth_h_dumrec_sm" and "GDPgrowth_l_dumrec_sm" , which represent the high and low value of interaction term.
clear foreach v in "ltotalfertility" "lntot_birth" "lnrate_fer1519_age" "lnrate_fer2024_age" "lnrate_fer2529_age" "lnrate_fer3034_age" "lnrate_fer3539_age" "lnrate_fer4044_age" "lnrate_fer4549_age" { foreach vart in "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" { cd "D:\paper-thesis\MyProject - Copy/`v'" use "C:\Users\KHATEREH\Desktop\dataset_fertility_paper (2)-smooth.dta" xi: statsby _b _se e(r2_a), clear: xtscc d`vart'`v' l(0/2)GDPgrowth_h_dumrec_sm l(0/2)GDPgrowth_l_dumrec_sm l(1/1)d0`v' d0`v'GDPgrowth_h_ d0`v'GDPgrowth_l_ i.year,fe foreach var in "GDPgrowth_h_dumrec_sm" { gen t_`var' = _b_`var'/_se_`var' gen time = "obs`vart'" save d`vart'`v'.dta, replace } } }
Thank you so much in advance for your valuable time and advice.
best regards,