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  • Using calculations from one dataset to create a new one

    I am working with a dataset that represents multiple healthcare clinics and their service areas at the census tract level. Many of the service areas overlap, so there are some "repeated" census tracts in the dataset. Each clinic has a unique ID, which is also attached to the CTs describing its service area.

    I would like to summarize information about the service areas of these clinics in a separate dataset. For example, I want to convert the dataset of 90 census tracts representing the service area for one center into a row of figures (proportions) representing that one center.

    Right now, I'm doing so manually -- working with a DO file that calculates the summary stats in Stata and inputting that info in a separate Excel file, where each row represents a clinic.

    Is there a faster way to do this? I'm hoping there is syntax that will help me generate these summary stats in data tables systematically, rather than me doing it line by line.

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Doing what you want is almost certainly possible without "handwork," and might well involve use of the -collapse- command, but without example data (as requested in the FAQ for new members; see esp. regarding regarding the use of the -dataex- command), helping you is harder and less likely to be successful. I'd encourage you to take a look again at the FAQ, and repost with a small but illustrative sample of your data.


    • #3
      Sorry, I didn't read the FAQs closely.

      However, your recommendation of using the collapse command is exactly what I need! I consulted the manual for this command online and it worked as I wanted it to. Thank you!

