Hello everyone,
Firstly, I am a Stata 14 user. I have a question regarding esttab command and flipping models. My question might be considered as an extension of the question below,
I use three different specifications in the form of xtreg and xtivreg2 (i am using two different instruments). There are approximately 30 independent variables that I ran xtreg and xtivreg2. Hence, I have three column of results for a given independent variable. I want to place dependent variables in rows. When I use the code below, which I got from the above post, I can successfully get the coefficients and standard errors for my estimations in the format that I want to have. However, I want my table to include number of observation and number of cluster columns as well. Hence, I need a column of number of observations after the OLS (xtreg) column. Similarly, I need a column of number of observations and a column of number of clusters for the two xtivreg2 columns. My priority is to get a number of observations column after three different specification.
Thanks in advance.
Firstly, I am a Stata 14 user. I have a question regarding esttab command and flipping models. My question might be considered as an extension of the question below,
I use three different specifications in the form of xtreg and xtivreg2 (i am using two different instruments). There are approximately 30 independent variables that I ran xtreg and xtivreg2. Hence, I have three column of results for a given independent variable. I want to place dependent variables in rows. When I use the code below, which I got from the above post, I can successfully get the coefficients and standard errors for my estimations in the format that I want to have. However, I want my table to include number of observation and number of cluster columns as well. Hence, I need a column of number of observations after the OLS (xtreg) column. Similarly, I need a column of number of observations and a column of number of clusters for the two xtivreg2 columns. My priority is to get a number of observations column after three different specification.
preserve eststo clear eststo Subsidiesandothertransfers: xtreg Subsidiesandothertransfers distinctparty if pr==1, fe cluster(idn) eststo gtr_centaxdir: xtreg gtr_centaxdir distinctparty if pr==1, fe cluster(idn) esttab, noconstant se nostar r2 matrix C = r(coefs) matrix S = r(stats) eststo clear local rnames2 : rownames C local rnames foreach name of local rnames2 { local rnames `rnames' `=strtoname("`name'")' } cap mat rownames C= "`rnames'" local models : coleq C local models : list uniq models local i 0 foreach name of local rnames { local ++i local j 0 capture matrix drop b capture matrix drop se foreach model of local models { local ++j matrix tmp = C[`i', 2*`j'-1] if tmp[1,1]<. { matrix colnames tmp = `model' matrix b = nullmat(b), tmp matrix tmp[1,1] = C[`i', 2*`j'] matrix se = nullmat(se), tmp } } ereturn post b quietly estadd matrix se eststo `name' } local rnames2 : rownames S local rnames foreach name of local rnames2 { local rnames `rnames' `=strtoname("`name'")' } cap mat rownames S= "`rnames'" local i 0 foreach name of local snames { local ++i local j 0 capture matrix drop b foreach model of local models { local ++j matrix tmp = S[`i', `j'] matrix colnames tmp = `model' matrix b = nullmat(b), tmp } ereturn post b eststo `name' } esttab, se mtitle noobs compress nonumb est save res1, replace restore, preserve eststo clear eststo Subsidiesandothertransfers: xtivreg2 Subsidiesandothertransfers (distinctparty = gol_adm) if pr==1, fe cluster(idn) eststo gtr_centaxdir: xtivreg2 gtr_centaxdir (distinctparty = gol_adm) if pr==1, fe cluster(idn) esttab, se nostar r2 matrix C = r(coefs) matrix S = r(stats) eststo clear local rnames2 : rownames C local rnames foreach name of local rnames2 { local rnames `rnames' `=strtoname("`name'")' } cap mat rownames C= "`rnames'" local models : coleq C local models : list uniq models local i 0 foreach name of local rnames { local ++i local j 0 capture matrix drop b capture matrix drop se foreach model of local models { local ++j matrix tmp = C[`i', 2*`j'-1] if tmp[1,1]<. { matrix colnames tmp = `model' matrix b = nullmat(b), tmp matrix tmp[1,1] = C[`i', 2*`j'] matrix se = nullmat(se), tmp } } ereturn post b quietly estadd matrix se eststo `name' } local rnames2 : rownames S local rnames foreach name of local rnames2 { local rnames `rnames' `=strtoname("`name'")' } cap mat rownames S= "`rnames'" local i 0 foreach name of local snames { local ++i local j 0 capture matrix drop b foreach model of local models { local ++j matrix tmp = S[`i', `j'] matrix colnames tmp = `model' matrix b = nullmat(b), tmp } ereturn post b eststo `name' } esttab, se mtitle noobs compress nonumb estimates save res2, replace eststo clear restore, preserve eststo clear eststo Subsidiesandothertransfers: xtivreg2 Subsidiesandothertransfers (distinctparty = seatlvoter ) if pr==1, fe cluster(idn) eststo gtr_centaxdir: xtivreg2 gtr_centaxdir (distinctparty = seatlvoter ) if pr==1, fe cluster(idn) esttab, se nostar r2 matrix C = r(coefs) matrix S = r(stats) eststo clear local rnames2 : rownames C local rnames foreach name of local rnames2 { local rnames `rnames' `=strtoname("`name'")' } cap mat rownames C= "`rnames'" local models : coleq C local models : list uniq models local i 0 foreach name of local rnames { local ++i local j 0 capture matrix drop b capture matrix drop se foreach model of local models { local ++j matrix tmp = C[`i', 2*`j'-1] if tmp[1,1]<. { matrix colnames tmp = `model' matrix b = nullmat(b), tmp matrix tmp[1,1] = C[`i', 2*`j'] matrix se = nullmat(se), tmp } } ereturn post b quietly estadd matrix se eststo `name' } local rnames2 : rownames S local rnames foreach name of local rnames2 { local rnames `rnames' `=strtoname("`name'")' } cap mat rownames S= "`rnames'" local i 0 foreach name of local snames { local ++i local j 0 capture matrix drop b foreach model of local models { local ++j matrix tmp = S[`i', `j'] matrix colnames tmp = `model' matrix b = nullmat(b), tmp } ereturn post b eststo `name' } esttab, se mtitle noobs compress nonumb est save res3, replace estimates use res1 eststo res1 estimates use res2 eststo res2 estimates use res3 eststo res3 esttab res1 res2 res3, mtitles("OLS" "IV1" "IV2" ) nonumb noobs label
Thanks in advance.