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  • Multiple overlaid connected line graphs

    Hi! This is my first post, so please forgive any lack of clarity.

    I have a dataset with measurements (observations) from traffic sensors around a city over one year.

    Measurements are taken hourly by sensors that are in one of three possible neighbourhoods (variable name nb and it can assume value of either 0, 1 or 2).

    Each measurement has multiple variables including density (cars\lane-km) and speed (average speed). Moreover, each measurement has multiple variables for time in different granularities, like date_and_time, day_of_the_year, month_of_the_year, etc.

    I am asked to plot a graph for density and speed "using different color and shape to denote the observations across these three groups."

    I tried with twoway connected but it the graph was just full of dots everywhere, plus it wouldn't be correct anyway because I had no idea on how to differentiate by neighbourhood.

    Anny ideas?

    Thank you so much in advance.

  • #2
    please provide a data example by typing -dataex- in Stata and copying the output in the results window


    • #3
      Takk Oyvind!

      * Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
      input float tid double(date_time date) float(year month day week hour density) double speed float ringinterval
       1 1.7041536e+12 19724 2014 1 1 3 0 4.5952687 78.05 1
       2 1.7041572e+12 19724 2014 1 1 3 1  11.84449 53.33 0
       3 1.7041608e+12 19724 2014 1 1 3 2  2.492961 80.71 1
       4 1.7041644e+12 19724 2014 1 1 3 3 1.0735373 55.89 2
       5  1.704168e+12 19724 2014 1 1 3 4  7.488051 75.32 0
       6 1.7041716e+12 19724 2014 1 1 3 5  .9792957 77.63 2
       7 1.7041752e+12 19724 2014 1 1 3 6  5.766262 69.08 0
       8 1.7041788e+12 19724 2014 1 1 3 7  10.35987 55.02 0
       9 1.7041824e+12 19724 2014 1 1 3 8 2.6912215  89.3 2
      10  1.704186e+12 19724 2014 1 1 3 9  5.988253 76.33 1
      format %tc date_time
      format %td date
      label values week DOW
      label def DOW 3 "Wednesday", modify
      Last edited by Johan Lundqvist; 02 Feb 2022, 13:09.


      • #4
        I also did list in 1/5 in case it's easier to understand.

        The variable of interest are ringinterval (the last one, it's the neighbourhood), density, speed.

          1. | tid |          date_time |      date | year | month | day |      week | hour  | spd  |   vsb  |      temp  |
             |   1 | 01jan2014 00:00:00 | 01jan2014 | 2014 |     1 |   1 | Wednesday |    0  |   2  |  6.08  |         6  |
             |       rh | winddir | wd0 | wd1 | wd2 | wd3 | wd4 | wd5 | wd6 | wd7 | wd8 | wd9 | wd10 | wd11 | wd12 | wd13 |
             | 25.15113 |      SE |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   1 |   0 |   0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
             | wd14 | wd15 | wd16 | skc | sky0 | sky1 | sky2 | sky3  | sky4  |     rid  | speed  |      ring  |  density  |
             |    0 |    0 |    0 |   . |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0  |    0  | HI9011b  | 78.05  | (3rd,4th]  | 4.595269  |
             |                  _merge              |              peak              |              ringin~l              |
             |             Matched (3)              |                 0              |                     1              |
          2. | tid |          date_time |      date | year | month | day |      week | hour  | spd  |   vsb  |      temp  |
             |   2 | 01jan2014 01:00:00 | 01jan2014 | 2014 |     1 |   1 | Wednesday |    1  |   5  |  6.08  |         7  |
             |       rh | winddir | wd0 | wd1 | wd2 | wd3 | wd4 | wd5 | wd6 | wd7 | wd8 | wd9 | wd10 | wd11 | wd12 | wd13 |
             | 14.90952 |     WNW |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
             | wd14 | wd15 | wd16 | skc | sky0 | sky1 | sky2 | sky3  | sky4  |     rid  | speed  |      ring  |  density  |
             |    1 |    0 |    0 |   . |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0  |    0  | HI3002b  | 53.33  |    (<2nd]  | 11.84449  |
             |                  _merge              |              peak              |              ringin~l              |
             |             Matched (3)              |                 0              |                     0              |
          3. | tid |          date_time |      date | year | month | day |      week | hour  | spd  |   vsb  |      temp  |
             |   3 | 01jan2014 02:00:00 | 01jan2014 | 2014 |     1 |   1 | Wednesday |    2  |   5  |  6.08  |         8  |
             |       rh | winddir | wd0 | wd1 | wd2 | wd3 | wd4 | wd5 | wd6 | wd7 | wd8 | wd9 | wd10 | wd11 | wd12 | wd13 |
             |   13.926 |     WNW |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
             | wd14 | wd15 | wd16 | skc | sky0 | sky1 | sky2 | sky3  | sky4  |     rid  | speed  |      ring  |  density  |
             |    1 |    0 |    0 |   . |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0  |    0  | HI9019b  | 80.71  | (3rd,4th]  | 2.492961  |
             |                  _merge              |              peak              |              ringin~l              |
             |             Matched (3)              |                 0              |                     1              |
          4. | tid |          date_time |      date | year | month | day |      week | hour  | spd  |   vsb  |      temp  |
             |   4 | 01jan2014 03:00:00 | 01jan2014 | 2014 |     1 |   1 | Wednesday |    3  |   1  | 11.04  | 9.1999998  |
             |       rh | winddir | wd0 | wd1 | wd2 | wd3 | wd4 | wd5 | wd6 | wd7 | wd8 | wd9 | wd10 | wd11 | wd12 | wd13 |
             | 19.10794 |      NW |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
             | wd14 | wd15 | wd16 | skc | sky0 | sky1 | sky2 | sky3  | sky4  |     rid  | speed  |      ring  |  density  |
             |    0 |    1 |    0 |   . |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0  |    0  | HI9644c  | 55.89  |    (>5th)  | 1.073537  |
             |                  _merge              |              peak              |              ringin~l              |
             |             Matched (3)              |                 0              |                     2              |
          5. | tid |          date_time |      date | year | month | day |      week | hour  | spd  |   vsb  |      temp  |
             |   5 | 01jan2014 04:00:00 | 01jan2014 | 2014 |     1 |   1 | Wednesday |    4  |   9  | 11.04  |        10  |
             |       rh | winddir | wd0 | wd1 | wd2 | wd3 | wd4 | wd5 | wd6 | wd7 | wd8 | wd9 | wd10 | wd11 | wd12 | wd13 |
             | 13.23812 |     WNW |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |   0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0 |
             | wd14 | wd15 | wd16 | skc | sky0 | sky1 | sky2 | sky3  | sky4  |     rid  | speed  |      ring  |  density  |
             |    1 |    0 |    0 |   . |    0 |    0 |    0 |    0  |    0  | HI4034a  | 75.32  | (2nd,3rd]  | 7.488051  |
             |                  _merge              |              peak              |              ringin~l              |
             |             Matched (3)              |                 0              |                     0              |
        Last edited by Johan Lundqvist; 02 Feb 2022, 13:13.


        • #5
          It just dawned on me that this may be homework and as per FAQ should be ignored. Regardless, you're on the right track with twoway connect,
          twoway connect density tid if ringinterval==0 || ///
                 connect density tid if ringinterval==1 || ///
                 connect density tid if ringinterval==2 || ///
                 ,legend(label(1 "ringinterval==0") ///
                         label(2 "ringinterval==1") ///
                         label(3 "ringinterval==2"))


          • #6
            Oh, I apologize, I was not aware hw should be ignored.
            Thank you so much for your explanation!

