I am working with firm panel data and I need to estimate the following regression at SIC-2-digit industry level:
return_i,t = alpha_j + beta_j*OilPriceGr_t + e_i,t
where index i denots firm and j stands for industry. I want to estimate the sensitivity of firm i return to oil price at the industry level using returns of fi rms that share the same 2-digit Standard Industrial Classi cation (SIC) code. Can this be done using rangestat, something like the following:
Thank you.
I am working with firm panel data and I need to estimate the following regression at SIC-2-digit industry level:
return_i,t = alpha_j + beta_j*OilPriceGr_t + e_i,t
where index i denots firm and j stands for industry. I want to estimate the sensitivity of firm i return to oil price at the industry level using returns of fi rms that share the same 2-digit Standard Industrial Classi cation (SIC) code. Can this be done using rangestat, something like the following:
rangestat (reg) return OilPriceGr, by(sic_2_digit) interval(OilPriceGr . .)