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  • Compare impact in regressions - Same independent variable & several dependent variables

    Hi Statalisters,

    This might be basic, but I'm new to stats.

    I am investigating the impact of X variable on total Y variableand its three dimensions (i.e. Y1, Y2, and Y3), where total Y = Y1+Y2+Y3, using four models:

    Y= α + β_1X + control variables
    Y1= α + β_1X + control variables
    Y2= α + β_1X + control variables
    Y3= α + β_1X + control variables

    Assuming that X has a positive impact on total Y and its three dimensions, one of my research hypotheses is that the impact of X variable in models that examine Y1, Y2, Y3 are expected to differ significantly from the model that investigates total Y.

    In this regard, please how can I test this hypothesis? How can I know if the impact of X variable on each dimension significantly differ from total Y, and across the separate three dimensions? Please note that I am using cross-sectional data if this information is relevant.

    Your help and valuable time are much appreciated!!

    Thank you very much in advance.

  • #2
    welcome to this forum.
    Assuming that your query is not related to class/homework (otherwise, please see, #4. Thanks), you may be interested in -suest-.
    As an aside, please follow the FAQ on how to post more effectively. Thanks.
    Kind regards,
    (StataNow 18.5)


    • #3
      Thank you Carlo for your reply. Much appreciated!

      Please note that my query is related to a paper that I am trying to publish. Thank you for your help and your suggestion about posting more effectively.

      Have a great day!

      Best Wishes,


      • #4
        thanks for clarifying.
        -suest- is actually worth exploring.
        Kind regards,
        (StataNow 18.5)

