Using Stata, is there any convenient way to bootstrap in parallel? Although Stata/MP does some things in parallel, it seems it still bootstraps in parallel. In 2018, jerome falken reported some trouble using the -parallel bs- command by George Vega and Brian Quistorff, which I am also having trouble with. Maarten Buis offered a solution, but the solution pertained to simulation rather than bootstrapping.
Has there been any progress since 2018? Bootstrapping is an embarrassingly parallel task, and it is becoming a little embarrassing if it can't be conveniently parallelized in Stata.
(Here's the 2018 discussion of this issue:
Has there been any progress since 2018? Bootstrapping is an embarrassingly parallel task, and it is becoming a little embarrassing if it can't be conveniently parallelized in Stata.
(Here's the 2018 discussion of this issue: