Dear All,
I am having difficulty to estimate in Stata a generalized Leontief variable cost function with 3 variable inputs and 4 quasi-fixed inputs. I want to use the command 'sureg' function to estimate the cost function in Morrison Catherine J. (1997) Structural change, caiptal investment and productivity in the Food processing inudstry. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79, 110-125.
I am writing to kindly seek your help and ask whether anyone of you have estimate this system of 7 equations in Stata. I would appreciate your help and advice.
Best regards,
I am having difficulty to estimate in Stata a generalized Leontief variable cost function with 3 variable inputs and 4 quasi-fixed inputs. I want to use the command 'sureg' function to estimate the cost function in Morrison Catherine J. (1997) Structural change, caiptal investment and productivity in the Food processing inudstry. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79, 110-125.
I am writing to kindly seek your help and ask whether anyone of you have estimate this system of 7 equations in Stata. I would appreciate your help and advice.
Best regards,