Hi Everyone,
I would like to add two extra rows to the reported table, one for the existence of fixed effects and the other one for showing clustering standard errors. I have added my sample code below. I can only add the first row, which is "Car origin fixed effect" in my example. Is there a way to add the second row at the bottom? Thank you.
sysuse auto.dta, clear
eststo:regress price weight trunk i.foreign, cluster(rep78)
esttab, se label ar2 compress replace nonumber b(2) mtitles("\shortstack{Industry Adjusted\\Investment Growth}") star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) keep(weight trunk _cons) refcat(_cons "Car origin fixed effect" _cons "Clustering", below label($\checkmark$))
I would like to add two extra rows to the reported table, one for the existence of fixed effects and the other one for showing clustering standard errors. I have added my sample code below. I can only add the first row, which is "Car origin fixed effect" in my example. Is there a way to add the second row at the bottom? Thank you.
sysuse auto.dta, clear
eststo:regress price weight trunk i.foreign, cluster(rep78)
esttab, se label ar2 compress replace nonumber b(2) mtitles("\shortstack{Industry Adjusted\\Investment Growth}") star(* 0.10 ** 0.05 *** 0.01) keep(weight trunk _cons) refcat(_cons "Car origin fixed effect" _cons "Clustering", below label($\checkmark$))