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  • Putpdf table after esttab or estout

    Hi everyone! It appears that putpdf table cannot be used after esttab or estout, but only after estimates table. Is this true?

  • #2
    See the collect command in Stata 17 for creating custom tables which can be added to a PDF document using putpdf collect. estout is from SSC (FAQ Advice #12). To your question, putpdf being an official command is not designed to work with third party commands, but you could import the estout table as a dataset and have putpdf pick it from there. Whether the formatting is acceptable is your call.

    sysuse auto, clear
    regress mpg weight disp i.rep78
    esttab using myfile.csv, replace nobase nocons
    import delimited myfile.csv, clear
    foreach var of varlist *{
        replace `var'= ustrregexra(`var', `"[="]"', "")
    putpdf begin        
    putpdf  table mytable = data(*)
    putpdf save myfile, replace


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply Andrew Musau! However, I was more referring to using esttab or estout and then putpdf table immediately using etable

      So like this:

      sysuse auto, clear
      regress mpg weight
      estimates store reg1
      esttab reg1
      putpdf begin
      putpdf table regtable = etable
      This doesn't seem to work. It gives an error "information for the estimation table not found; Please replay estimation results and try again".

      If I replace esttab with estout, it gives the same error. However, the same code with estimates table does work.

      sysuse auto, clear
      regress mpg weight
      estimates store reg1
      estimates table reg1
      putpdf clear
      putpdf begin
      putpdf table regtable = etable
      Does this mean that putpdf does not support these commands or are some adjustments necessary?
      Last edited by Deni Mazrekaj; 02 Feb 2022, 09:50.


      • #4
        The best you can do is #2 AFAIK.

