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  • reclink error type mismatch

    Hello, everyone. I encountered a error hint when using reclink to fuzzy match two dataset. The linking keywords are id_com_PC and fund_name_m1. the id_com_PC is numeric and I have changed it to str %9s using tostring command . The fund_name_m1 is string. I made the fund_name_m1 as str77 in two dataset.
    However, I still got the error warning "type mismatch" even if I have tried to stripe out some special characters like ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ – + = { [ } ] | : ; “ ‘ < , > . ? /.

    . . reclink id_com_PC fund_name_m1 using "D:\VC data cleaning-up\1991 to 2020\portfolio companies_1991 to 2020_fund level\portfolio companies_1991 to 2020
    > _fund level_N=1.dta" , idmaster(idmaster1) idusing(idusing1) gen(matchscore1) required(id_com_PC)

    2770412 perfect matches found

    "type mismatch"

    any comments and ideas? Thanks in advance!!
    Last edited by Christine YU; 29 Jan 2022, 07:30. Reason: reclink; fuzzy matching

  • #2
    I deleted the "required" option, and it might work now. Is there something wrong with the id_com_PC?

