Hello everyone,
I have 3 dummy variables where I have created 2 variables one is called low_dev and the other one is called high_dev. Now I was wondering how I could display the third dummy which is not created because if both low_dev==0 and high_dev==0 then the constant becomes the last dummy if I remember it correctly?
Regression command for low dev
I have 3 dummy variables where I have created 2 variables one is called low_dev and the other one is called high_dev. Now I was wondering how I could display the third dummy which is not created because if both low_dev==0 and high_dev==0 then the constant becomes the last dummy if I remember it correctly?
gen Built_L= Built_area<18.27 gen Built_H= Built_area>25.981 gen Built_M= 1 - Built_L - Built_H gen Agri_L= Agri_area<48.90 gen Agri_H= Agri_area>54.75 gen Agri_M= 1-Agri_L-Agri_H gen Forest_L= NaturalForest_area<7.3 gen Forest_H= NaturalForest_area>15.82 gen Forest_M= 1-Forest_H-Forest_L gen low_dev = Built_L & Agri_H & Forest_H gen high_dev = Built_H & Agri_L & Forest_L
xtreg log_realHP log_PopulationDensity log_Population Unemployment_rate log_real_consCost logReal_income real_interest i.low_dev i.Year,fe vce(robust)