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  • Create Dummy Variable if Value is Found in Another Column

    Hi All,

    I would like to create a dummy variable that indicates if a child has parents in the dataset, given their ID numbers. Below is an example.
    ID = the individuals ID
    ID_F = the individual's father's ID
    ID_M = the individual's mother's ID

    Basically, for person 4003, I would like a new variable that indicates that at least one of their parents, (in this case, 4001 and 4002) exist as their own observations in the dataset, as shown by those values appearing in the ID column. For person 4170, this is not the case, and would be show by a value of "0" in this new variable.

    Many thanks in advance!


    * Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
    input int year float(ID ID_F ID_M)
    1968 4001 4906 4907
    1969 4001 4906 4907
    1970 4001 4906 4907
    1971 4001 4906 4907
    1972 4001 4906 4907
    1973 4001 4906 4907
    1974 4001 4906 4907
    1975 4001 4906 4907
    1976 4001 4906 4907
    1977 4001 4906 4907
    1978 4001 4906 4907
    1979 4001 4906 4907
    1980 4001 4906 4907
    1981 4001 4906 4907
    1982 4001 4906 4907
    1983 4001 4906 4907
    1984 4001 4906 4907
    1985 4001 4906 4907
    1986 4001 4906 4907
    1987 4001 4906 4907
    1988 4001 4906 4907
    1989 4001 4906 4907
    1990 4001 4906 4907
    1991 4001 4906 4907
    1992 4001 4906 4907
    1993 4001 4906 4907
    1994 4001 4906 4907
    1995 4001 4906 4907
    1996 4001 4906 4907
    1997 4001 4906 4907
    1999 4001 4906 4907
    1968 4002 4908 4909
    1969 4002 4908 4909
    1970 4002 4908 4909
    1971 4002 4908 4909
    1972 4002 4908 4909
    1973 4002 4908 4909
    1974 4002 4908 4909
    1975 4002 4908 4909
    1976 4002 4908 4909
    1977 4002 4908 4909
    1978 4002 4908 4909
    1979 4002 4908 4909
    1980 4002 4908 4909
    1981 4002 4908 4909
    1982 4002 4908 4909
    1983 4002 4908 4909
    1984 4002 4908 4909
    1985 4002 4908 4909
    1986 4002 4908 4909
    1987 4002 4908 4909
    1988 4002 4908 4909
    1989 4002 4908 4909
    1990 4002 4908 4909
    1991 4002 4908 4909
    1992 4002 4908 4909
    1993 4002 4908 4909
    1994 4002 4908 4909
    1995 4002 4908 4909
    1996 4002 4908 4909
    1997 4002 4908 4909
    1999 4002 4908 4909
    1972 4003 4001 4002
    1973 4003 4001 4002
    1974 4003 4001 4002
    1975 4003 4001 4002
    1976 4003 4001 4002
    1977 4003 4001 4002
    1978 4003 4001 4002
    1979 4003 4001 4002
    1980 4003 4001 4002
    1981 4003 4001 4002
    1982 4003 4001 4002
    1983 4003 4001 4002
    1984 4003 4001 4002
    1985 4003 4001 4002
    1986 4003 4001 4002
    1987 4003 4001 4002
    1988 4003 4001 4002
    1989 4003 4001 4002
    1990 4003 4001 4002
    1991 4003 4001 4002
    1992 4003 4001 4002
    1993 4003 4001 4002
    1994 4003 4001 4002
    1995 4003 4001 4002
    1996 4003 4001 4002
    1997 4003 4001 4002
    1999 4003 4001 4002
    2001 4003 4001 4002
    2003 4003 4001 4002
    2005 4003 4001 4002
    2007 4003 4001 4002
    2009 4003 4001 4002
    2011 4003 4001 4002
    1973 4170 4911 4912
    1974 4170 4911 4912
    1975 4170 4911 4912
    1976 4170 4911 4912
    1977 4170 4911 4912

  • #2
    g wanted = 0
    levelsof ID, local(levels)
    foreach l of local levels {
    replace wanted = 1 if inlist(`l',ID_F,ID_M)


    • #3
      Amazing - thank you!!

