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  • How to group observations of the same question for different countries based on specific criterion outside of dataset?

    I wanted to make new variables that are the grouped observations of the variable that asks individuals highest level of education based on a criteria I have set. So for example, I wanted to form a new variable that indicates X, which will include observations from 1,2,3,4... countries in my dataset.

    How would I do this?

    Thanks to anyone who can help!

  • #2
    I need a concrete example to know what you want here, and perhaps others do too.

    Detail, pedantic or otherwise. Wording is "a criterion" or "two or more criteria". See for a compilation of some typos and other minor errors common in statistical writing.


    • #3
      I have a dataset with a variable that looks at the highest level of education for an individual across 48 different countries in Europe. I want to group the individual responses from these countries based on the countries tuition fees for university for which I have four categories for. I want to create 4 new variables that include the set of countries within each that correspond to a tuition fee category.

