I'm not sure why I am having such trouble creating a variable corresponding to percentiles. I have a dataset that looks like the dataex example below with a person ID (pid) and a number (adheresum). I am trying to assign a percentile to each ID based on the value of adheresum. I tried pctile pct=adheresum but this just ended up with all missing values for all but ID=1. What am I missing here?
Thank you very much!
I'm not sure why I am having such trouble creating a variable corresponding to percentiles. I have a dataset that looks like the dataex example below with a person ID (pid) and a number (adheresum). I am trying to assign a percentile to each ID based on the value of adheresum. I tried pctile pct=adheresum but this just ended up with all missing values for all but ID=1. What am I missing here?
Thank you very much!
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input float(pid adheresum) 1 120 2 28 3 44 4 13 5 112 6 145 7 4 8 84 9 68 10 143 11 31 12 4 13 164 14 46 15 136 16 44 17 35 18 15 19 87 20 140 21 157 22 158 23 5 24 162 25 88 26 18 27 93 28 45 29 11 30 90 31 12 32 177 33 81 34 107 35 105 36 148 37 82 38 124 39 49 40 30 41 85 42 8 43 122 44 78 45 101 46 9 47 69 48 154 49 18 50 56 51 128 52 164 53 34 54 131 55 102 56 127 57 108 58 160 59 133 60 127 61 97 62 119 63 112 64 90 65 48 66 166 67 156 68 123 69 112 70 150 71 34 72 153 73 56 74 164 75 81 76 129 77 95 78 122 79 107 80 148 81 69 82 69 83 48 84 50 85 11 86 67 87 70 88 152 89 51 90 77 91 161 92 171 93 12 94 96 95 111 96 151 97 90 98 96 99 160 100 135 end