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  • putting my data on server

    I want to put my data on server so that sb could see it by using the command sysuse.
    To do so I tried to use copy command. My file I wanna put on server is called Masterdata.dta
    I used the command:
    copy Masterdata.dta guest.dta, public
    I am very confused. In my directory when I have a file Masterdata.dta I see the new file guest.dta. However, when I run stata again and type sysuse guest, clear. I see: file guest.dta not found. It means it's not on server. Could somebody help me how I can make my file available to everybody?
    Last edited by sladmin; 28 Aug 2023, 09:40. Reason: anonymize original poster

  • #2
    Sounds like a question for the people from StataCorp. I don't suspect they'd let just anyone put a random dataset on their website.

    Sysuse is for data found loaded in the directory where all the example datasets are stored. Auto, and others.

    You're thinking of webuse, but either way this takes us to square 1, because StataCorp presumably won't let you put your data on their website without having them vetted it first or whatever their process is.


    • #3
      sysuse filename loads the specified dataset that was shipped with Stata or that is stored along the ado-path. see help adopath


      • #4
        You need to find a website you have permission to upload to. Then -use- can load from that website, similar to -sysuse- which loads only from the Stata website. I wan't able to find this ability documented in the Stata manuals, but I have used the feature and just now Google pointed me to so it isn't just my imgaination.

