Hello everybody. I am trying to use mergepoly to merge some regions, as I have regional data for Europe but in some countries it is NUTS1 dissagregation and in others is NUTS2.
I am trying like this:
mergepoly if inlist(_ID,"222","233") using "nuts2_shp.dta", coor("new_coor.dta")
That is, trying to merge regions identified as 222 and 233 in my dataset
However, I get this reply: type mismatch r(109);
Not sure how to proceed. Can anybody help me? (Perhaps Robert Picard can help me if available!)
I am trying like this:
mergepoly if inlist(_ID,"222","233") using "nuts2_shp.dta", coor("new_coor.dta")
That is, trying to merge regions identified as 222 and 233 in my dataset
However, I get this reply: type mismatch r(109);
Not sure how to proceed. Can anybody help me? (Perhaps Robert Picard can help me if available!)