I have data at the worker level and observe in which sector the worker was last and current year. Every worker was in a sector last and current year, i.e. there are no missings. I have two sectors - tradable and non-tradable sector. To measure sector mobility, I create two dummies. One dummy equals one if the worker is in the tradable sector in the current year and one dummy equals to one if the current and last year sector are not the same. I get a significant and positive coefficient for the dummy that equals one if the worker is in the tradable sector in the current year. This means that workers are more likely to move into the tradable sector in the current year. However the coefficient on the dummy that equals to one if the current and last year sector are not the same is not significant and zero. I am very confused because I thought that if I see effects on one dummy I should see effects on the other dummy as well because the workers that are moving into the tradable sector can only come from the non-tradable sector. Or am I missing something?
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