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  • help memory!!!

    I keep having this issue: attempt to use too much memory
    You just attempted to use 34359738392 bytes of memory to store data, including 32m of buffers and
    overhead. You or your system administrator previously set max_memory 32g. Assuming your computer
    has sufficient memory, you could increase set max_memory; see help memory. Right now, Stata is just
    honoring your previous set max_memory request.

    I am working in VDI for a dataset of 48GB. what can I do? I have all the memory and ram needed

  • #2
    A thought, you can change the -max_memory- parameter back to it's default, which tells Stata you are willing to use all the memory that the OS will provide, including virtual (paged) memory. Keep in mind that while you may need 48GB just to hold that data in memory, many operations will require more than that to temporarily hold calculation results, etc.

    set max_memory .

