I need some help in order to programmatically avoid overlapping marker labels. I do have a -twoway- graph that combines -scatter- and -lines-. For each year a column with data points is created. For the last year I want to highlight a specific set of organisations by labeling their data points. In this series of plots in some cases data points of organisations are very close by - 8.0 7.9 7.6 7.2-. Now I want to have a good way to assign positions to those organisations.
First I would generate a variable with the standard position (pos(9)). But now I would need to decide for each organisation within the subsample of organisations which position they should get. So my idea is to rank those within a range of 1 and the highest gets position 10, the second 9, the third 8 and the fourth 7. But of course there could be plots where only three or two labels overlap. And there may be overlapping occuring twice within a graph - example maybe -17 16.5- or so.
I am not good with the -cond()- function but would it be possible to use this?
The -scatter- code line is at the moment:
My idea is to first identify if a data point of an organisation is part of a common range and if which rank does it have inside this. Is there a good way to create this?
And here is an -dataex- example:
Thanks for your suggesttions.
First I would generate a variable with the standard position (pos(9)). But now I would need to decide for each organisation within the subsample of organisations which position they should get. So my idea is to rank those within a range of 1 and the highest gets position 10, the second 9, the third 8 and the fourth 7. But of course there could be plots where only three or two labels overlap. And there may be overlapping occuring twice within a graph - example maybe -17 16.5- or so.
I am not good with the -cond()- function but would it be possible to use this?
The -scatter- code line is at the moment:
scatter `g' `year' if subsample==1 & year == 3 , mlabel(org) mlabcolor(black) mlabpos(9) msymbol(none)
gen mlabvpos = 9 replace mlabvpos = 10 if org_group_rank==1 & org_group_total == 4 replace mlabvpos = 9 if org_group_rank==2 & org_group_total == 4 ...
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input double bio byte year int org byte subsample 7.6 3 1 1 .5 3 3 . 6.6 3 6 . 35.7 3 8 . 19.5 3 9 . 3.3 3 12 . 8 3 14 1 7.2 3 15 1 10.2 3 16 1 3.8 3 18 . 1.7 3 21 . .3 3 22 . 4 3 28 . 1.3 3 29 1 14 3 30 . 7.9 3 31 1 26.8 3 32 . 7.2 3 35 . 36.7 3 37 . 52.5 3 41 . 11.1 3 43 . 8.2 3 44 . 56.9 3 45 . 17.1 3 47 . 12.1 3 51 . 5.9 3 53 . 1 3 54 . 3.7 3 55 . 52.1 3 57 . 4.5 3 59 . 23.3 3 61 . 6.9 3 63 . 5 3 68 . 1.4 3 69 . 19.6 3 71 . .4 3 72 . 18.5 3 73 . .3 3 74 . 42.1 3 75 1 19 3 77 . .5 3 78 . .2 3 79 . .2 3 80 . 8.2 3 81 . 16.4 3 84 . .1 3 86 . 59.7 3 87 . 43.1 3 88 . 31.6 3 90 1 5.6 3 92 . 9.9 3 94 . .1 3 95 1 12.2 3 97 . 17.3 3 98 . 1.8 3 99 . 6.3 3 100 . .3 3 101 1 4.1 3 102 . 19.5 3 104 . 13 3 105 . .3 3 111 1 22.8 3 113 . end label values year l_year label def l_year 3 "2018", modify label values org l_org label def l_org 1 "A", modify label def l_org 3 "Au", modify label def l_org 6 "Ba", modify label def l_org 8 "Bef", modify label def l_org 9 "Beh", modify label def l_org 12 "Bet", modify label def l_org 14 "Bi", modify label def l_org 15 "Bo", modify label def l_org 16 "Bou", modify label def l_org 18 "Br", modify label def l_org 21 "Brj", modify label def l_org 22 "Bru", modify label def l_org 28 "Da", modify label def l_org 29 "Do", modify label def l_org 30 "Dr", modify label def l_org 31 "Du", modify label def l_org 32 "Dü", modify label def l_org 35 "Er", modify label def l_org 37 "Fr", modify label def l_org 41 "Fru", modify label def l_org 43 "Gi", modify label def l_org 44 "Gr", modify label def l_org 45 "Gö", modify label def l_org 47 "Ha", modify label def l_org 51 "HaU", modify label def l_org 53 "HaM", modify label def l_org 54 "Hat", modify label def l_org 55 "Hau", modify label def l_org 57 "He", modify label def l_org 59 "Ho", modify label def l_org 61 "Je", modify label def l_org 63 "Ka", modify label def l_org 68 "KaK", modify label def l_org 69 "Kas", modify label def l_org 71 "Ki", modify label def l_org 72 "Ko", modify label def l_org 73 "Kon", modify label def l_org 74 "Köd", modify label def l_org 75 "Kö", modify label def l_org 77 "Le", modify label def l_org 78 "Lü", modify label def l_org 79 "Lün", modify label def l_org 80 "Ma", modify label def l_org 81 "MaU", modify label def l_org 84 "MarU", modify label def l_org 86 "MüH", modify label def l_org 87 "MüL", modify label def l_org 88 "MüT", modify label def l_org 90 "Müw", modify label def l_org 92 "Ol", modify label def l_org 94 "Os", modify label def l_org 95 "Pa", modify label def l_org 97 "Po", modify label def l_org 98 "Re", modify label def l_org 99 "Ro", modify label def l_org 100 "Sa", modify label def l_org 101 "SiU", modify label def l_org 102 "St", modify label def l_org 104 "Tü", modify label def l_org 105 "Ul", modify label def l_org 111 "Wu", modify label def l_org 113 "Wü", modify twoway scatter bio year || scatter bio year if subsample==1 & bio>2, mlabel(org) mlabcolor(black) mlabpos(9) ||, name(biotest,replace) legend(off)