I use Firth logistic regression to examine the following equations.
Y= a +b1x+b2x2 (squared) but the predicted probability is not U - shaped (the first graph)
Also, I have another equation: Y= c+dx+d2x2 (squared) but the coefficient (d) is negative and statistically significant but it is not inverted U-shaped (the second graph).
I used the following command to calculate predicted probabilities.
estimate store full
margins, at ( duration_squared_c = (1 9)) atmeans expression(invlogit(predict(xb)))
Does anyone know why these are happening?
Y= a +b1x+b2x2 (squared) but the predicted probability is not U - shaped (the first graph)
Also, I have another equation: Y= c+dx+d2x2 (squared) but the coefficient (d) is negative and statistically significant but it is not inverted U-shaped (the second graph).
I used the following command to calculate predicted probabilities.
estimate store full
margins, at ( duration_squared_c = (1 9)) atmeans expression(invlogit(predict(xb)))
Does anyone know why these are happening?