Hello, everyone. I want to receive the 25 charts in the once. ( 5 row and 5 columns ) . Because it represents the combination at a 5-time horizon, But at the end, it gives me 25 PDFs separately.
and then :
and :
Thank you so much.
clear foreach v in "totalfertility" { forvalues x = 1/5 { forvalues y = 1/5 { foreach vart in "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" { cd "C:\Users\KHATEREH\Desktop\MyProject/`v'" use "C:\Users\KHATEREH\Desktop\charts A\xtscc-correct-dataset.dta" xi: statsby _b _se e(r2_a), clear: xtscc d`vart'`v' l(0/`y')dum_recession l(1/`x')d0`v' i.year,fe foreach var in dum_recession { gen t_`var' = _b_`var'/_se_`var' gen time = "obs`vart'" save `y'`x'`v'`vart'.dta, replace } } } } }
clear foreach v in "totalfertility" { forvalues x = 1/5 { forvalues y = 1/5 { use "C:\Users\KHATEREH\Desktop\MyProject/`v'/`y'`x'`v'0.dta" foreach var in "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" { append using "C:\Users\KHATEREH\Desktop\MyProject/`v'/`y'`x'`v'`var'.dta" *drop _merge } gen date_string = substr(time, 4, 2) destring date_string, gen(year) keep year _b_dum_recession _se_dum_recession t_dum_recession order year _b_dum_recession _se_dum_recession t_dum_recession gen label="all" bysort label (year) : gen first = _n == _N-5 **expand only the first obs expand 2 if first==1 **** generate the new time variable bysort label (year) :gen time2 = _n-2 ***recode the variables replace _b_dum_recession=0 if time2==-1 replace _se_dum_recession=0 if time2==-1 replace t_dum_recession=0 if time2==-1 bysort label (year) : gen low = _b_dum_recession-(_se_dum_recession*1.645) bysort label (year) : gen high = _b_dum_recession+(_se_dum_recession*1.645) gen a=0 *a=0 is for charts save "C:\Users\KHATEREH\Desktop\MyProject/`y'`x'`v'all.dta", replace } } }
cd "C:\Users\KHATEREH\Desktop\MyProject/" forvalues x = 1/5 { forvalues y = 1/5 { clear use "C:\Users\KHATEREH\Desktop\MyProject/`y'`x'totalfertilityall.dta" twoway rarea high low time2, astyle(ci) || /// line _b_dum_recession time2, mstyle(p1) || /// line a time2, mstyle(p1) lpattern(dash) lwidth(vthin) lcolor(gs0) /// xtitle("Periods after Pandemic Recession") ytitle("level changes totalfertilitry") ylabel(,alternate) xlabel(-1(1)5) title(lag `x'_`var'_lag`y'shock) legend(off) saving("`var'", replace) graph export `y'`x'totalfertilitry.pdf, replace } }