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  • Dropping data during while bootstrapping 95%CI using foreach loops

    Dear Statalisters,

    I am working with adminstrative data to compare hospital admission rates across 177 hospitals using hierarchical logistic regression. I have calculated predicted and expected probabilities of hospital admission which gives me the risk-adjusted admission ratio for each of the hospitals. I am now trying to bootstrap 95% confidence intervals for each of the PE ratios, but am encountering some problems.

    In the code below, the program I have created for the -bootstrap- comamnd does create 95%CI for each hospital; however it is using information from the entire dataset instead of only information from each hospital individually. I would like that each loop only used the data available from each hospital, instead of the entire dataset. I believe this is the right way to generate the confidence intervals for this type of analysis that I'm running (if anybody has a different view on this, please feel free to comment here as well)

    Any help/advice is greatly appreciated.

        quietly {
            * Synthetic dataset that is similar to the actual data
            webuse bangladesh, clear
            rename (c_use age urban child3 district) (sex age_c language_english ATS_urgent hospital_encoded)
            drop child1 child2 children
            generate type_LBP = round(runiform() * 2)
            generate arrival_ambulance = round(runiform() * 2)
            generate afterhours = round(runiform() * 2)
            generate admitted = round(runiform() * 2)
        quietly {
            * Make a program that runs the analysis for a single hospital.
            capture program drop bsprog
            program define bsprog, rclass
            syntax [, hospNum(integer 1)]
                *Hierarchical regression
                melogit admitted age_c i.language_english i.ATS_urgent ib(last).type_LBP i.arrival_ambulance ib(last).afterhours || hospital_encoded:, or
                capture drop predicted p_admission expected e_admission ratioPtoE
                predict predicted, mu
                bysort hospital_encoded: egen p_admission = total(predicted)                        
                predict expected, mu conditional(fixedonly)
                bysort hospital_encoded: egen e_admission = total(expected)
                generate ratioPtoE = p_admission / e_admission if hospital_encoded == `hospNum'
                sum ratioPtoE
                return scalar PEratio = r(mean)
        quietly {
            ** Set up variables to obtain bootstrap CIs for the estimate from each hospital.
            generate hospNum = .
            generate ratio = .
            generate paramLCL = .
            generate paramUCL = .
            generate percentLCL = .
            generate percentUCL = .
            local row = 1
        ** Obtain bootstrap CIs for the estimate from each hospital.
        foreach hospNum of numlist 1/5 {
            replace hospNum = `hospNum' in `row'
            display as text _n "For hospital number " `hospNum' " ..."
            bootstrap r(PEratio), reps(10) seed(448864) cluster(hospital_encoded) idcluster(hospitals) nodots: bsprog, hospNum(`hospNum')     
            replace ratio      = r(table)[1,1] in `row'
            replace paramLCL   = r(table)[5,1] in `row'
            replace paramUCL   = r(table)[6,1] in `row'        
            matrix list e(ci_percentile)                                                                        
            replace percentLCL = e(ci_percentile)[1,1] in `row'
            replace percentUCL = e(ci_percentile)[2,1] in `row'        
            local row = `row' + 1
        local row = `row' - 1
        order hospNum ratio param* percent*, last
        list hospNum ratio param* percent* in 1/`row'