Hi all,
I am doing a DID analysis on a legal dataset where each observation is a court case. Every court case has a date of first hearing and date of the decision, and subtracting these gives me my dependent variable 'Days for Decision'. I have an event (a passing of an Act) around which I am looking at the before/after, and sections of the Penal Code that define the treatment/control groups. I am using a poisson regression for this purpose, using the -ppmlhdfe- command.
MWE if required:
I wanted to make Event Study plots for this data, and am not sure how to do that.
I am doing a DID analysis on a legal dataset where each observation is a court case. Every court case has a date of first hearing and date of the decision, and subtracting these gives me my dependent variable 'Days for Decision'. I have an event (a passing of an Act) around which I am looking at the before/after, and sections of the Penal Code that define the treatment/control groups. I am using a poisson regression for this purpose, using the -ppmlhdfe- command.
MWE if required:
* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex clear input float hearing_time1 int(court_id section_no) float(timetotreat filing_m_y) 97 11 304 -19 620 1 11 337 30 669 3 11 326 -5 634 10 11 376 32 671 456 11 506 -33 606 3 11 279 64 703 2 11 406 41 680 308 11 379 32 671 3 11 380 58 697 1 11 506 65 704 72 11 506 36 675 191 11 192 19 658 1 11 452 29 668 1 11 307 67 706 1 11 194 -30 609 4 11 380 34 673 293 11 407 23 662 51 11 323 24 663 2 11 21 -4 635 29 11 380 27 666 14 11 506 45 684 1 11 194 -9 630 2 11 399 47 686 2 11 467 55 694 2 11 323 47 686 2 11 420 46 685 63 11 338 32 671 148 11 304 -16 623 3 11 379 34 673 3 11 302 57 696 2 11 306 63 702 343 11 506 -9 630 717 11 506 -21 618 1 11 420 62 701 2 11 302 65 704 1 11 337 56 695 15 11 307 5 644 29 11 420 38 677 15 11 379 8 647 1 11 354 4 643 53 11 279 56 695 30 11 354 33 672 15 11 34 68 707 2 11 409 57 696 1 11 337 23 662 121 11 337 11 650 246 11 324 31 670 15 11 354 60 699 2 11 511 38 677 55 11 506 -9 630 424 11 25 -33 606 2 11 397 30 669 38 11 109 19 658 2 11 394 39 678 4 11 219 -14 625 12 11 380 -7 632 2 11 406 60 699 169 11 379 -23 616 1 11 379 53 692 4 11 34 -21 618 3 11 379 -14 625 9 11 506 31 670 204 11 506 32 671 30 11 406 50 689 4 11 379 59 698 8 11 401 16 655 1 11 506 15 654 1 11 506 68 707 11 11 307 50 689 3 11 308 57 696 25 11 302 22 661 10 11 302 45 684 1 11 366 27 666 1 11 379 67 706 83 11 304 15 654 1 11 337 36 675 87 11 379 28 667 1 11 506 18 657 15 11 376 37 676 5 11 498 62 701 1022 11 506 -6 633 2 11 307 40 679 81 11 467 5 644 25 11 325 10 649 272 11 327 -30 609 1 11 289 64 703 70 11 506 68 707 8 11 354 6 645 1 11 406 45 684 1 11 337 12 651 2 11 467 47 686 21 11 306 19 658 1 11 409 62 701 1 11 506 30 669 29 11 364 -5 634 1 11 452 23 662 1 11 506 19 658 57 11 279 -11 628 2 11 324 62 701 8 11 511 -15 624 end format %tm filing_m_y
I wanted to make Event Study plots for this data, and am not sure how to do that.
- I was using the -eventdd- command, but I am not sure if my syntax is correct. I am currently using:
eventdd hearing_time1 i.court_id i.section_no, timevar(timetotreat) ci(rcap) cluster(section_no)
- Do I need to use the DID coefficient I have created (treatment*post)? Or does the timevar suboption do that already?
- Additionally, would I need to incorporate Poisson regression in some way, and if so, how would I do that?