I am studying the effect of a policy reform on the outcomes of individuals with and without poor mental health. To do this, I regress the outcome on mental health + post policy period + mental health*post policy period + controls. There are 13 control variables that capture individual level characteristics. The interaction term captures the effect of the policy for those with poor mental health.
Then, I would like to compare the differential effect of the policy across mental health and the control variables via post policy*characteristic interaction terms. Since there are lots of variables which could lead to the multiple hypothesis testing issue, I would like to use lasso to do this. The idea is that lasso selects the interaction variables that are most relevant in predicting the outcome and from there, I can compare the effects of the policy across the remaining variables i.e. the coefficients on the interaction variables.
Can I get some advice on :
1) Whether the base lasso (lasso2) is sufficient?
2) Whether I should use cross-validation, AIC, BIC or EBIC in implementing the lasso procedure in this case?
Many thanks
I am studying the effect of a policy reform on the outcomes of individuals with and without poor mental health. To do this, I regress the outcome on mental health + post policy period + mental health*post policy period + controls. There are 13 control variables that capture individual level characteristics. The interaction term captures the effect of the policy for those with poor mental health.
Then, I would like to compare the differential effect of the policy across mental health and the control variables via post policy*characteristic interaction terms. Since there are lots of variables which could lead to the multiple hypothesis testing issue, I would like to use lasso to do this. The idea is that lasso selects the interaction variables that are most relevant in predicting the outcome and from there, I can compare the effects of the policy across the remaining variables i.e. the coefficients on the interaction variables.
Can I get some advice on :
1) Whether the base lasso (lasso2) is sufficient?
2) Whether I should use cross-validation, AIC, BIC or EBIC in implementing the lasso procedure in this case?
Many thanks